06.11.2024 17:41
Linkso people are actually arguing over political opinions because their rights are at riskni dont know if you guys are aware !
06.11.2024 17:42
Linkmaybe to you its not that serious but it is for people this actually effects....? Just a thought
06.11.2024 17:43
Linknobody thinks youre cool for staying neutral or not being that out there with your political views do whatever you want but people arent 'going crazy' just because they disagree with someone opinion
06.11.2024 17:44
Linkabortion is a state vote BECAUSE of trump
06.11.2024 17:45
Linkhe brags about it and Hes very obviously proud...? of it? Sorry ppl r scared for their rights
06.11.2024 17:47
Linkif you dont want to deal with people disagreeing with you dont start the argument in the first place .
abortion is healthcare and being in support of the removal of it WILL harm people THATS why theyre attacking you
06.11.2024 17:48
Linkyou cant go take away someones rights or say they should be taken and then get upset when they tell you youre wrong
06.11.2024 17:54
Linkit shouldve been your sign to shut up when you had errorchara supporting you u
06.11.2024 18:02
Linkand how does this effect the production of spooky month episode 11..?
06.11.2024 18:04
Link"how do we lnow the fetus cant feel pain..?" PBOT THIS IS exaCTLY WHY PPL WERE CALLING U STUPID U DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT A FWTUS IS
one of my friends keeps telling me i dont have to worry abt being black and things arent that bad (hes white btw),, and he says since everyone in the server is <18 we'll be okay and its genuinely frustrating
because seriously i dont think even my parents who are immigrants, although WITH a citizenship, now dont even care that trumps a racist. It's honestly disgusting on how people only vote republicans because of said low prices instead of looking at the OTHER factors/laws the candidate wants. The abortion nonetheless is still horrible how they hold it at such a 'high privilege' that u only get if the fetus under a certain age with no real exceptions. From what I know, or atleast think it's what they said, even if the baby would kill the mother they won't let u get an abortion until you're practically birthing the thing and already seeing your end.