what your favorite fnf mod X]


01.08.2021 00:52
Linkoff the top of my head mine are kapi and bob and bosip X]

01.08.2021 00:57
Linkflippys is cool too bc i like happy tree friends but i dont like his voice for it B[

Ill link you the mod when im done w it
Uh so basically on Dijon week, the 1st week, you have a run in with Dijon, Deputy of the Wildeton PD, and he's looking to wrap up a case, but, boyfriend being boyfriend, he challenges Dijon to a rap battle, which Dijon accepts. Starting the first song "Questioning". After beating him at that, Dijon sighs, and tries to wrap it up, but boyfriend insists they have another round, which leads into the second song, "Crime Scene" after this, the two are inturrupted by the villainess, Parousia, She calls the boyfriend cute, and challenges him to a rap battle for his "love", which leads into the final song of the week, "Parousia" (cont-)

Then there's week Seera, the 2nd week. After having beaten Parousia, Dijon takes boyfriend and girlfriend out for a treat, being met by Seera, an officer at Wildeton PD, who spots girlfriend, and, because of her liking to start fights, she insults girlfriend, which promps boyfriend to stand up for her and challenge Seera to a rap battle, the reason behind the songs, "Sweetheart" and "Slut", only Seera is angrier in the second song. Then, Seera taps into her power, to control any man, to force Dijon to duet with her by singing, "Freedom Dive"