Losing My Mind
tom's sweet revenge
how to break your hands xDDD
A new God in the Depths
le dance w/ randomperson ;-;
Chapter 6 - Warrior's Trial
25.02.2021 18:19
LinkChapter 6
Sleekshine was crouched in the she-cat den. Bearflinch began to make it to her way. “Hello.” She purred evilly with a small smile as she sat down.”
Sleekshine looked up and growled. She remembered the last time she was captured, when the brown She-cat had forced her to eat a half-eaten mouse.
“Hungry?” She sneered.
“Leave me alone.” She hissed.
The she-cat turned away. Bearflinch got nose to nose, “Do you know where Mossheart would go too?”
“Why would I know?” She hissed.
“You two were Clan cats.”
“Of different Clans.”
“SO? I don’t care.”
“Then to his Clan.”
“Now go away.”
“I was doing that anyway. You smell.” She turned around, and walked to Ice.
The tom looked up. “Hi.” She flopped down onto her side.
“Have you hunted?”
25.02.2021 18:19
Link“We should do that.”
“I guess so.” He huffed, standing up, stretching and yawning. Bearflinch swiftly walked out of the den, and padded into the soft layer of snow which crunched under her. Ice sniffed around, following a mouse’s scent trail. Bearflinch followed the scent, crouching down. “Over there.” He pointed with his tail. She slyly nodded, and made her way there- in just a second, she striked. He sat up. “Good job.”
She held the skinny mouse happily, “Thank you.”
He hadn’t had time to reply as he chased after a squirrel on the frozen grass. Bearflinh rounded around the corner to block the prey. The squirrel stopped, making enough time for Ice to pounce on it, killing it with one swift bite to the neck. Bearflinch bounded up, and nuzzled him.
“That was great.”
“Yeah.” Ice picked up the squirrel, and turned back to the cave. Bearflinch followed, holding her head high with pride.
25.02.2021 18:20
LinkWhen they got into the camp, Robin was sniffing Milk. Milk flinched as she tried to get away. “Stay still!” She lit out a violent twitch of the tail but did so. Robin prodded her round belly. There was a brief kick. The blue-gray tom jumped. “There’s definitely kits.”
“Do you know how old?” Bearflinch inquired.
“Maybe about two weeks.”
“Ah… That sucks…” Bearlfinch blinked.
“It just means two more.”
Brisknose was laying on the Highledge, peering down over his Clan. Stupid kit. He thought, as he watched Jasperwhisker scorn Vixenkit. Vixenkit yipped back, causing a stronger scorn and a paw to the head.
Quartzfur landed next to the deputy, “Helloo.”
The tom jumped. “Quartzfur! I didn’t see you coming.”
She laughed hoarsely, “Good.”
“So what do you want?” He asked nervously.
“Go to the Starclan Crystal.”
“Now? And why?”
“I said so.”
25.02.2021 18:20
LinkHe nodded, slowly getting up. “Bumblefern already has some herbs for us?”
“We can go ask.” Brisknose replied. She asked, and got some herbs, for the both of them. “Horrible!” He exclaimed as he chewed the herbs.
“You sound just like a kit.” Bumblefern frowned.
“I don’t imagine you like them either.”
“Shut up, shoo, shoo.”
Brisknose got up, trotting to the beginning of the tunnel that led towards the Starclan Crystal. “What if the lava is still there?” He said, mainly to himself, trembling.
“We’ll find some new crystals and hope for the best.” She replied timidly.
He shivered with doubt. Quartzfur sighed as she made her away to the long, twisting dark tunnels. With pure silence and 5 minutes of walking, they made it to the Starclan Crystal- Which was horribly burnt. “It looks… different.” Brisknose mewed.
“It’s all dark.. The crystal doesn't shine…” Quartzfur slowly made her way to where the pool of water was supposed to be, but it was just ash.
25.02.2021 18:20
LinkBrisknose’s whiskers twitched. So did Quartzfur’s as she laid in it, letting her pelt turn. Brisknose stretched his nose towards the blunt crystal. Soon, they were casted into a dark forest, where fireflies flickered. “This doesn’t seem to be the Dark Forest…” He mewed quietly.
“Because it isn’t,” Mewed a small voice behind him.
The gray tom jumped high as he turned around, his fur standing up. A small, meek tom, who barely looked like an Apprentice squealed. His fur was a glossy black speckled with ginger spicks.
“H-Hi. I’m Slippaw.”
“Er- Hello.”
“You Brisknose, right?”
“I’m here to help you with the prophecy.” He flicked his tail anxiously.
“The ‘4 Must Become 1’? That was moons ago.”
“The new one. The one Rubystar said in her seizure.”
“She had a prophecy?”
“Yeah? Didn’t you guys hear?”
Brisknose looked at Quartzfur. “Not at all.”
“Mouse dung. Want me to say it?”
“I guess.”
25.02.2021 18:20
Link“I guess.”
He breathed in and said it in a haste, but epic tone. “Beware the shadow that will cause the stars to fade. Beware the fox that will cause the stars to fade. The ashes will fall and the blood will flood before there is peace.”
Brisknose blinked, looking back at Quartzfur. Quartzfur blinked back, “That was long.” She croaked.
Slippaw timidly nodded, “But when the first stanza happens: the other two will come swiftly, at the same time.”
Brisknose shook out his pelt. Didn’t we come here for Quartzfur’s ceremony?”
“Oh yeah. Come out you all!” Suddenly, many spirts flooded out, including, but limiting to Snowstar and Wonderbird, Gustingwind also made an appearance.
“Snowstar!” Brisknose exclaimed.
“Brisknose!” She chirped happily, nuzzling him.
“Is she finally going to be a Leader?”
“Yup. Quartzfur shall be named Quartzstar.”
“Don’t you need to give her her lives?”
“We’re doing that right now.”
“Oh. Ok.” Brisknose backed up, letting the Starclan cats surround Quartzfur.
25.02.2021 18:21
Link“Gustingwind. You go first.”
The pale gray tom stepped forward. “I am Snowstar’s mate, Gustingwind. With this, I give you a life of love. Use it well.” He touched his nose to her forehead, making her feel warm and happy.
Quartzfur smiled, “I’ll use it to power my Clan.” She giddly chuckled. Gustingwind smiled and backed up, signaling for another Starclan cat to step forward. Snowstar touched noses with Quartzfur and smirked. “I give you the power of higher senses. Better for you to hunt with.”
“Thank you,” Quartzfur looked down in respect as Wonderbird padded up.
“With this life, I give you foreseeing.” She touched noses to her chin. Quartzfur felt grief and sorrow overtake her. She shook as tears grasped her eyes. Swiftly, they fell.
“Thank you.” She choked out, “I’ll use this to be vigilant.”
The she-cat nodded, and backed away. Swiftly, other cats game. A few Meadowclan and Beachclan cats sprinkled in, Leafstar even made a great appearance! She was given 5 more lives.
25.02.2021 18:21
LinkThe gift of luck, given by Snailstar.
The gift of joy, given by a small Crystalclan Kit with a twisted leg.
The gift of stealth, from Slippaw.
One, the gift of trust, given by Leafstar.
And lastly, a pure yellow tom with green eyes stepped forward.
“Rushleg?” Quivered Quartzfur’s voice.
The tom purred. “Hello, Quartzfur.”
She bowed and dipped her head, “I’m so glad to see you.”
“Me too.” His tail tip twitched. “With this last and final life, I give you speed. Use it to run from your enemies in a time of need.” He touched noses with her, and a strike of fear and the need to run rushed through Quartzfur.
Quartzfur winced, “I will.”
He nodded. “Good. You shall now be named Quartzstar.”
“Thank you…” Quartzstar dipped her head.
Brisknose spoke. “Is that all?”
“Yes. You may l-leave.” Slippaw stammered.
“Al-alright then. Brisknose nodded towards the Starclan cats. “Goodbye.”
They then faded into obscurity. The two mortals were back in the ashy vault.
25.02.2021 18:24
LinkRobins Having kItsssss
25.02.2021 18:26
LinkWait what-
With who?
25.02.2021 18:27
Linkshe had a kick.
25.02.2021 18:28
LinkMilk is the She-cat, Robin is the medicine cat
25.02.2021 18:32
25.02.2021 18:34