Episode 1 of bottled


02.01.2021 01:55
LinkIf your confused on what’s happening:
Sakura (one with twin tails) has been friends with Yuri (one with hair down) since 3rd grade. Sakura has always been a cheerful, nice but kind of pushy girl. Yuri was never too cheery like Sakura, but until 8th grade she started feeling depressed and feeling worthless. She never admits it, tho. When she started feeling like this, Sakura noticed. She asked her if she was ok, and due to Yuri and her way of just saying “I’m fine” she replies in “yea-h-h..” then we fast forward to there first day of high school, and classic Sakura, is her cheerful gung-ho self. Yuris depression has escalated, and she wakes up crying, and on her way to school threatens herself to make her stop crying. After school, Sakura goes to Yuri and says even though she knows Yuri will say she’s fine if she asks, she says she won’t let Yuri do it, and decides to take her and show her this wonderful life.

02.01.2021 03:48
Linkwow. can i recreat this? but not the animation? please UwU
also is cookie still in theanimator and is he still a guilt trip? also ai. hi please say hi for me to ai and cook

02.01.2021 14:57
LinkI’m sorry, no :(. I’d really rather you not.
I haven’t seen cookie in a month or two and Ai- is on here