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Twisted {Chap 5} Aurora POV
28.12.2019 19:12
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Disclaimer: hhh this is so long ;w; yeb you will find out why it says "girlfriend" up there 0_0 enjoy hehe let me type Jacy {chapt 6} Dusk {chapt 2 more chapters and then im done ;w;
28.12.2019 19:12
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*chapt 7
28.12.2019 19:12
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I woke up, again, gasping for air. I couldn’t sleep. I got up and snuck downstairs, headed for the kitchen. I slowly walked to the fridge and carefully opened it, and grabbed a water bottle. I closed the fridge silently and snuck back upstairs. I got in bed and made myself comfortable, and then drank the whole bottle of water. I sighed and caught my breath. I tried to close my eyes and thought. Eventually I was asleep, thinking about Gem… The next day, brutal knocking noises woke me up. I dashed out of bed and ran to the door. “Hey,” I said, catching my breath. My hair was messy and I was in pajamas. I quickly realized that and slammed the door, running back upstairs to change. I fixed my hair and hid my ears behind my hair, just how Mom did. I grabbed the tank top hoodie and put on some random ripped jeans and found my old boots. I struggled to put them on but I got them on and ran to the door, opening it again. “Hello”. Cloud replied, wide eyes. “Uh, come in?” I said. She came in first,
28.12.2019 19:13
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She came in first, closing the door after her. I ran about four stairs up and gestured to come. She blinked and walked up the stairs to my room. We closed the door and we both sat on my bed. “So?” She questioned, looking up and down at me, arching her eyebrows. “Okay. You know when you dream sometimes you can have, ya know, blur visions?” I said. “Yeah...Did you just learn about this or something?” Cloud replied, giving me a look. “N-no! It just… happened last night”. I said. “And?” She spoke, looking uninterested. “It was black, everything, and then I saw you...Not you. There was a girl with light blue hair and a hammer.But it was blurry, so I’m not accusing you of it...And there was another girl, dark red hair and she was, I think, tied up… And that’s what my Mom looked like,” I finished, Cloud now
28.12.2019 19:13
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Cloud now looking worried. “U-uh must be nothing,” She stated. “And I heard loud banging noises...The same noises I heard when I was lost in a alley…” We both went silent, and Cloud started. “Why were you in an alley?” She asked. “Me and Jacy were walking back from the park and we got into a little fight and he left me there…” I replied. “Mhm,” She mumbled. “And then I started hearing loud banging noises coming from a wall and those were the same noises in the blur vision…” I ended, and Cloud had shivers down her spine. “The girl looked like you,” I said again. “It couldn’t have been me, Aurora…” She looked down
28.12.2019 19:14
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then up at me. “Then who was it?!” I shrieked. “It was Dusk, my sister…” She breathed heavily. Wow. All I could think about was that Cloud’s sister killed Mom. But how? I was devastated. “Come on!” Cloud snapped me out of my mind. I shook my head. “I…” I burst into tears, and Cloud put her arm around me. “It’s okay, it’s okay…” She repeated that until I stopped crying. To make me feel better, she told me her story. “If it was your sister…” I got up, frantically searching for my phone. I found it 100% charged and slipped it in my back pocket. “Let’s go,” I said, and eagerly walking out. Cloud whimpered and followed me behind. I got to Dad’s car since Step-Mom took her truck for the trip. I shrugged and hopped in, not realizing I forgot the key. “Watch the car,” I lightly smiled and ran to the door, unlocking it and dashing inside. A moment later I ran out, locked the front door, and I turned the key and the car was on. Me and Cloud looked at each other and smi
28.12.2019 19:15
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other and smiled. “So where are we going…?” She said. “Your Dad’s house,” I said. “Obviously.” Cloud shook her head. “What? Why so?” I asked. “Dusk isn’t there, remember?” I forgot Cloud told me everything that happened. “Yeah...Well your Dad might be there to give us some, uh, answers?” Cloud shrugged and she gave me the address for their house. I stepped on the gas and started backing up, looking down my shoulder to see if there were any cars. I pulled a reverse and headed straight. About an hour later, we pulled up to a sketchy neighborhood. Cloud didn’t bother but I was a little sketched out. We found his house and pulled into the driveway. “Im suprised, it’s still the same house”. Cloud said, admiring the fact that it’s been two years without seeing this house. “How old are you again…?” I stupidly asked. “Uh, 16?” Cloud laughed. “Oh aha, one year below me” I winked and we both got out of the car, slamming the doors. Cloud slowly walked but I assured h
28.12.2019 19:15
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her that everything was going to be okay. From the front door we could both smell smoke. But that didn’t stop us from coming in. I opened the door and Cloud went first, me coming in behind her. The house was full of smoke, and it seemed that it was burning and cigar smoke. Somebody was here. “D-dad…?” Cloud called out. Suddenly, the smoke disappeared. And yes, there was Cloud’s dad. He had dark teal hair and he looked stressed. His clothes were not all that good either. We sat at a mini white table, and he pulled out a chair for us.
28.12.2019 19:16
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“Cloud!” He hugged her. “Hey, Dad…” She said, letting go from the hug. “What are you doing here?” He said. Cloud sighed and told her Dad everything that happened with me, her, and Dusk. Her dad wiped some tears off and he held out his hand. “I’m Frost,” He said. I shook his hand. “Aurora…Pleasure to meet you,”I said, awkwardly smiling, and finally putting my handbag down on the table. “Oh! Cloud! Your girlfriend is so nice!” He’d said, excitedly. “Girlfriend?!” Me and Cloud said and looked at each other at the same time. “No! No...Just friends…” Cloud blushed. “Oh, heh, sorry?” Frost shrugged. “Mhm…” Cloud finally got back to normal. “We have questions for you, so can you please answer them honestly?” I asked. “Sure thing,” He said right back at me. “Ahem,” Cloud started. “When did you get back to this house?” Cloud said, looking around. The place was big time messed up. “Hmm, probably when Rain left”. He answered, and Cloud blankly stare
28.12.2019 19:16
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stared at him. “Left? Where?”Cloud was starting to panic, and I tapped her shoulder. She looked at me, smilied, and calmed down. “Sorry,” She said looking down. “It’s okay and I think I'm pretty sure she left to a hotel…” Frost thought to himself, and nodded. “Hold on”. I said, digging through my handbag and finding a blank note and a pencil. “...Continue” I
28.12.2019 19:17
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looked at him, prepared to write down any information. Frost blinked and told us every thing he’d known about Rain, Cloud’s mother. He told us the address of the hotel and I rushed to write it down. “That’s all,” Cloud looked at the note and back at Frost. We jumped out of our chairs and went to hug Frost. He hugged us back and sat back down. “Well, uh, we have to go...Ty for having us!” Cloud exclaimed. I nodded my head in agreement and realized I forgot to ask him something. “Do you know what happened to...to Dusk?” I softly asked. He was silent, and we were all silent. “Yes and no...Can...Can you guys find her?”
28.12.2019 19:17
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He’d asked, tearing up. Cloud hugged him one last time. “Of course, don’t worry…” I still had the note in my hand and my handbag was on the table so I picked it up and stuffed the note in there. We were about to leave when Frost said one last thing. “Find Rain and Dusk for me, okay?” We all smilied and me and Cloud ran out the door. We hopped into the truck and got comfortable. She laughed. “What’s so funny?” I questioned. “Hah. Nothing really, it’s just, how can me, a freak, and you, depressed, be together and so happy?” She asked and laughed again. I looked at her, and smiled. Cute.
28.12.2019 19:14
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I gotta fully read this sometime :0
28.12.2019 19:14
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