

29.12.2019 18:58

29.12.2019 18:58
Linkso, who will you be?

29.12.2019 18:59
LinkCan I have the leader and an elder?

29.12.2019 18:59
Linkya sure!

29.12.2019 19:02
Linktype the cats names

29.12.2019 19:07
LinkCrowstar: Leader, girl, brave, smart, loyal, willing to sacrifice herself for her clan.
Bristlestream: elder, girl, old, smart, you can't confine her easily, strong for being an elder

29.12.2019 19:09
LinkSilverfur - grey she cat with a pale grey muzzle, she is dep
Badgerkit - black n white tom with purple eyes
Snow - she is a rogue who I'm planning to make med cat if she joins

Bristlestream: *she walked to Crowstar's den and cleared her throat outside it* ahem. May I come in Crowstar?
Crowstar: *she pricked her ears* come in, what is it?
Bristlestream: *she came in* I would like to go out into the forest to hunt, I haven't been out of the camp in a while
Crowstar: you may *her eyes softened* is that all?
Bristlestream: yes 8she urned around and left the camp* ah, it's been a while since i've been out of the camp

Bristlestream: *hears him, not knowing he's out of the camp* gotcha *she mouthed while she dropped into a hunting crouch and stalked twards where the kit was. She stopped a feiw tail-legths away and silently leaped high into the air and landed right on top of him, her paw on his back* HISS *she let out a loud hiss*

Brislestream: *she thought: "I shouldn't be so rough on him, he's only an adventurous kit, I was probably like that when I was a kit. maybe even worse" she was silent until they got near the camp where it sounded like everyone was talking, but Badgerkit's bother wa wailing louder than the others. she rolled her eyes and ran into the camp, dropping Badgerkit at her paws* I found the kit! *she yowled louder then even Badgerkit's mother*

Brislestream: *she stretched and walked over to Badgerkit's mother* you got to keep an eye on that kit of yours, I don't want to have to gom saving his tail again *she said it playfully, with happiness in her eyes* he's a strong one, and he's gonna be 6 moons in a few sunrises... has Crowstar told you who his mentor's gonna be?

Crowstar: *she walked to her den*
Brislestream: *she was confused on why Crowstar wanted to talk to them*
)in the den)
Crowstar: *she sat down in her nest* it's about Badgerkit and hwo his mentor's gonna be *she looked at them both, first Bristlestream then Whiteleaf* I have decided that Brislestream will be his mentor-
Bristlestream: *she cut off Crowstar* but i'm an elder! I can't be a mentor!
Crowstar: *she looked calmly at her* I will do something that has not been done before, Bristlestream, since you trained Nightpeak so well and helped me train Drops so well, I figured we could use another warrior trained by you. I will make you a warrior once again, you haven't been liking it in the elders den and prefer to sleep in the warriors den so you will become a warrior once again.
Brislestream: *she was o shocked she couldn't speak* t-thank you, but will Starclan allow this?

Crowstar: I have already spoke to them about it, they think it's a fine idea and could be used more, there are many experienced under-age elders in each clan, they could be turned to warriors just like Bristlestream *she looked at her* only if it's okay with you
Bristlestream: *she nodded, she liked the idea of being a warrior once again* I'd like that
Crowstar: *she looked at Whiteleaf* are you okay with this decision?

Bristlestream: *she walked into the elders den and sat down in her nest* goodbye old place *she started to eat her mouse*
Shallowmask: goodbye to what exactly? (he's the other elder, her mate, and going to become a warrior) *he came out the the darkness* are you going to tell me? aren't we friends?
Bristestream: *she looked up* you godda stop doing that! sneaking up on me *she looked away* and yes, we are friends, but you'll have to wail until tomorrow to find out what I'm saying goodbye to, I'm really tired *she snuggled deeper into her nest, hoping Shallowmask wouldn't ask anymore questions*
Shallowmask: oh common dear *he walked over to her, sat down next to her, and started grooming her* you don't have to if you don't want to, goodnight *she walked over to a nest next to her and fell asleep*