Anyone know any
09.12.2023 01:39
Linkhere you go
09.12.2023 01:39
LinkDuddeeee thx
Comment removed
Una cagada asquerosa, repelente, abyecta, vomitiva, mugrosa, maldita, diarreosa, estercolera, inmunda, malnacida, pudenda, apestosa, maloliente, cabrona, maricona, huevona, pendeja, tarada, cancerígena, jodida, culeada, gilipollesca, pelotuda, encamada, malnacida, retardada, atrasada, inútil, mongola, incestuosa, burda, estúpida, insulsa, putrefacta, traicionera, indigna, chupapollas, soplahuevos, esnifacojones, gueleculo, coprofágica, masca-almorranas, infecta, cerda, nauseabunda, cochambrosa, cochina, verdulera, infame, ruin, rastrera, degradada, descerebrada, zopenca, zafia, puta, engreída, esquizofrénica, granúlenla, infeliz, profana, calamitosa, deficiente, cretina, lela, ramera, fulana, calientaguevos, ridícula, petarda, pasmarote, fistro, desidiosa, puta, reputa, soputa, recontraputa, hija de puta, hija de un millón de putas, escupepitos, caradepedo, necrofílica, alientoamojón, lambe-bukaka, revuelcaleche, coñoesumadre y de su abuela, conchuda, culoroto, nalgas reventadas, tragasable, succionapitos
The grooming part was debunked, and staged😭
There's nothing wrong with being into rape, because it's literally a kink play and there's a fine line between actually raping someone and just liking the thought of it, if that makes sense, all the other shit is more of just his personal sexual preferences that he expresses with art.
Hey sam it's called a joke.
Literally don't have to take everything so seriously bro
someone writing an out of pocket joke and me responding with "lol ur gay" isn't grooming im not going to be a sourpuss and write a gayass long paragraph about why they shouldn't say that. You're the one who actually flirts with 15 year olds dude not me 💀