I'm bored


16.08.2020 15:15
Linkcan we talk? im having a mini panic atack

16.08.2020 15:16
Link:o yeah of course we can

16.08.2020 15:17
Linkwhat's on your mind?

16.08.2020 15:17
Linkim scared to die and ik im young and i shouldbt be worried about it but im scared

16.08.2020 15:18
Linkwhat brought that to mind?

16.08.2020 15:18
Linki dont anna have to leave and idek why im thinking about it but its almost 1 am andi was gonna go to bed but then i thought abt it and im acared

16.08.2020 15:19
Linkits so stupid but now im really upset

16.08.2020 15:20
Linkokay okay, I know where you're coming from. I had a break down once about the same thing. You HAVE to know that you are NOT going to die anytime soon. everything is scary during this pandemic, yes, but you don't have to worry about it now

16.08.2020 15:20
Linkit isn't stupid, it's natural

16.08.2020 15:20
Linkeveryone fears death, but it's a part of life.

16.08.2020 15:20
Linkit isn't fun, it isn't a good thing, but you shouldn't be thinking about it

16.08.2020 15:21
Linkyeah your right but the though of not being able to feel anthim physically and emotionally just makes me so scared and i shouldnt die anytime soon but i just idk why i had to think of that

16.08.2020 15:23
LinkIt's fine, I get it. it's a scary thing to think about! I would just go talk to an adult or cry your feelings out, crying helps for me. Or, try and get your mind off it. draw something that consumes time, get motivated to do something

16.08.2020 15:26
Linkthankyou, ive never really had panic or anxiety attacks until this year and i feel sad still but less. im not crying anymore either, i think ill watch some youtube but thankyou so much <33

16.08.2020 15:26
Linkmy pleasure! And believe me, I've had a few panic and anxiety attacks, so I know how you feel :)