- create flipbook animations online!
Might quit-
09.03.2021 14:50
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I might just- quit uploading anims. Let me explain why
09.03.2021 14:54
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I might still talk here a bit but- only to a few people. Honestly this site is kind of distracting me from my school work, and on top of that, i have no motivation to do my work either. I have no motivation to make art, 1. it only gets noticed by a few people, no matter how long it takes. though i do appreciate people liking it. 2. I have no ideas on what to draw, and at this point i dont want to- im just really tired- i dont want to do anything but lie around, even though i get a perfect night of sleep alot. though ill still semi be talking, most of the time the people arent really online around this time.
09.03.2021 15:34
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Honestly, that's pretty relatable, and your reasons make sense. This site is literally, like, the closest thing I've ever had to any sort of "social media", which might be surprising with me being over 13 years old. But now I understand how it kinda... consumes you in a way. I was surprised at how much I became hungry for likes, followers, whatever in that sort of way, despite me not even wanting any of that in the first place. It's weird, but I find it interesting to think about. And just wanting to lie around is perfectly relatable too. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. (I was just going through a time like that too, and then I like, actually started listening to music, and it really put a bounce in my step!) Anyway, I hope you do better if you do end up quitting. You were one of my first followers! (sorry for ranting I always end up writing a lot... except when it comes to essays.)
09.03.2021 15:40
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Ah, thanks. Though in a way- im not really hungry for likes- just kinda. want some attention from time to time- as i dont get that much irl- aha. Though, i wouldnt be rude or attention seeking for it, just to clarify. Music is nice, i agree- literally i cant sleep without a spotify playlist of some sort-
09.03.2021 15:48
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lol yeah. Starting out I just kinda felt addicted to this. I still post and everything but I'm not constantly checking o_O And yes, I don't get much attention irl but kinda don't want it?? Like I said, its weird ahha. And I can't relate to that last part cuz I don't have spotify, nor do I sleep ;-;
09.03.2021 15:51
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aha- the only reason i dont sleep is because 1. i keep trying to shift to danganronpa ;-; 2. i gets boring asf when you have nothing to do because you dont have your ipad also same- like i dont want t o o much attention when i say attention its more of a- **i need a hug** type of thing because i literally never get hugs-
09.03.2021 16:09
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tbh I had to just google danganronpa... but that sounds cool! Yeah my parents will notice I am not doing well in school and threaten to take my phone away, which I can't explain to them that that will make it worse, because apparently I've adapted to the coping mechanism of watching youtube and listening to songs while working.(I technically am allowed to not do, I guess "perfectly", in school because I already have accommodations for medical leaves and such, but now that all that is clearing up, I don't rlly have a good reason to slack off which sucks). But yup. Most of the time I don't want hugs because I don't like to be touched (for literally no reason at all it is weird even if someone just taps me on the shoulder I hate it its so weird) but I will want attention in a way that my parents will be like "oh its ok you just got, say, this one project done! we're proud of you!" and then when I try hard to like play a song on piano or guitar or draw something I'm proud of and wait for them to notice they dont.
09.03.2021 16:10
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ok but why tf do I write this much when it isn't even school i don't get it
09.03.2021 16:24
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ah. i understand- i get not wanting to be touched like hugs, etc- i am kinda like that but mostly with people i dont trust and such. I allow close friends to hug me, etc. also yeah- danganronpa is pretty cool. (Besides that one character that makes innapropriate jokes so i have to not tell my parents that i know danganronpa because they would flip tf out) And yeah- i also understand not getting told that (certain person) is proud of you, because you do your best and if you get a bad grade- they blame it on something like- a device, or you just being lazy. i honestly dont get why alot of parents do that.
09.03.2021 16:34
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LMAO I got into the Dream SMP around October and the plot and everything is SO GOOD but if I show my parents i am 100% sure I wouldn't be able to watch it anymore. Yeah I am pretty interested in psychology and that sort of stuff so I wish I could study like "reasons why people fail school" or something idk and stuff, but I am TERRIBLE at talking to people aloud and whatever. I just kinda wanna like, empty my brain out to them and have them study it. ...wait no that would be bad. What I mean is I want to tell them like "oh it's just my personality type" (cuz I'm big at sorta studying that stuff too just for fun) or "hey I actually have this condition it turns out you never treated" (but idek if I have any conditions and I wouldn't want to check because they already have to pay for a ton of other medical stuff I went through this and last year. Anyway, wow that was a lot but I am late for a World Geography class, which I hate, and yeah haha.
09.03.2021 16:36
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Also I'm so sorry if I just came in here and started making this conversation about me! I kinda feel that way and I feel bad >-< Guess I just had to get some stuff off my chest
10.03.2021 14:34
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ah, no its fine. I can actually relate to you quite a bit
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