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Insane Together: Chapter One
06.08.2019 20:21
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Starblast’s life was going uphill. He was a star. He was popular. He was a Silkwing, with light yellow scales and a light blue underbelly. He had light blue faded into pale yellow for his wings. He was special. But, Starblast's mom didn't really like him. Starblast never knew his parents anyway, but all he knew was that they were Silkwings and not Skywings. Yes, his mom was a SKYWING. His "mom" was a Skywing princess but is also an apprentice for Queen Ruby. "STARBLAST!!" Princess Silk would call. "WHATTTTT? I'M VERY BUSYYY," Starblast yelled back. Obliviously he wasn't very busy and he just didn't want to walk down the flight of stairs again. "NO, YOU ARE NOT, COME DOWN HERE!!!" Princess Slik snapped back. Starblast roared and ran down the stairs. It took him approximately 2 minutes. "WhAt nOw?" Starblast said. "I have to attend a reunion with my tribe, and you are coming, with...." Princess Silk trailed off. "With?" Starblast said with an eager tone in his voice. "With your baby brother, Ace ^^," P
06.08.2019 20:21
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Princess Silk said, then leaving the room to get ready. "Moooooooooom," Starblast complained. "Ace is horrible, disgusting, and annoying," "Don't care," Princess Silk said, putting on her pearl necklace and a pearl hoop earring. "I was joking," Starblast murmured to himself. "ACE," She shouted as she grabbed 2 bow ties from the drawer and placed one on Starblast's chest. Then, Ace came tumbling down, one wing tangled in his arm, and the other limping and ripping and get all ruined with dust. "What, mom?" Ace asked. "Honey, we are going to a reunion with my fellow Skywings, so here," Princess Silk gave Ace a bow tie. He put it on, and then, they were off. When they got to the reunion, it had flamesilk lanterns, blue light bulbs, and red string lights. The base of the floor was a disco ball dance type floor, and there were 3 tables of food. "I call dibs on the pineapple smoothie!" Ace shouted and ran to the drink table.Guess I'm all alone, Starblast thought. "Oh ho ah oh, " Princess Silk said into the mic. "I
06.08.2019 20:21
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will be right back," Starblast stared into the starry night sky. Tap Tap. Starblast turned around and Princess Silk smacked him. "OWWW!" Starblast yelled in pain. Princess Silk was smiling, and then her expression changed real quick. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE!" Princess Silk said in anger. "JEEZ, FINE," Starblast said. "Now, let me introduce you to my fellow Skywing best friend!" Princess Silk stuttered and then flew away for a slight second. Starblast could see Ace talking to Cliff and Peril. "H-hey, Im back," Princess Silk said, catching her breath. "And here's her!" She moved to the left to reveal a tall Skywing, the colour of blood, and her eyes were the colour of fear. "I'm going now haha! Hope you to have a great time!!" Princess Silk said as she ran off to her Skywing guards. Starblast looked at her then looked at the Skywing. "H-hi, Im-" She said, but Starblast darted away. He knew who he wanted to enjoy this party with. He ran past tall trees and medium
06.08.2019 20:22
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medium-size bushes below. He ran into the bushes. Well, it was a secret hideout. Once you go in the bushes, you fall down to a nice fluffy carpet. There were pillows, 3 blanket tents, blankets, and snacks. And inside one blanket tent, was a Leafwing. She was white, with faded green legs and down. She had a golden underbelly, golden spikes, and a light green tail. Also, she had a rainbow pattern below her eyes. Starblast just met her yesterday. They only played together. "Hey, Leafwing," Starblast said. "Hm?" She said. "Your smart, right?" Starblast joked. "Haha, I guess you can say that," She said. "Anyway, tomorrow I'm going into the woods, wanna come?" Starblast said. "Sorry, I can't. My p-friends need me hehe," She said. "Hm? That's fine, I guess," Starblast sighed, and then joined the Leafwing for food. Th
06.08.2019 20:22
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The next morning, Starblast took Ace to the woods to find scavengers. "Ace, what's up with your addiction with scavengers and finding them?" Starblast asked. "Oh, nothing, just thought it would be cool to have one," Ace said. Pshshsh. The bushes shook. Starblast thought it was the Leafwing, while Ace thought it was a scavenger. Ace jumped and flew towards the bush. He touched a leaf with his talon. Suddenly, a Skywing guard came up. Not one, but eight of them. The strongest one was holding his mother, Princess Silk. Ace tried to scream but Starblast had a look on his face that said, "Don't scream, I'm scared too,"
06.08.2019 20:23
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"LET GO OF ME! I DID NOTHING WRONG?!" Princess Silk struggled. "We found your dragonets, don't you wanna say bye?" The Skywing guard said. "NO!? THERE BRATS! WHY WOULD I SAY BYE TO THESE UGLIES? THEY BROUGHT ME HERE!" Princess Silk snapped back. Starblast had tears rolling down his eyes. Ace had a tear dropping from his eye. Starblast was mad but mostly sad. He clutched his claws, then stabbed Princess Silk's chest."WHY?? WHY..."
06.08.2019 20:23
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Starblast trailed off, crying. "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT, AFTER EVERYTHING THAT WE DID FOR YOU?" Starblast yelled. Princess Silk barfed out blood. Her wings drooped. Starblast cried, and then..."HEY!" A Nightwing jumped out of nowhere that is apparently working for the Skywing's. He was giant, and he was a mind reader. He tackled Starblast to the ground. "R-run, Ace. RUN!" Starblast said, weakly. Ace cried and jumped into the bushes. Luckily, no one saw it. "Don't. Hurt. HER!"
06.08.2019 20:23
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The Nightwing yelled and slashed Starblast's eye. Starblast couldn't see in that eye. It was all red. He realized that he was blind in his right eye now.Starblast yelled as Ace looked through the bushes. He couldn't let his brother die like this. Starblast managed to get the Nightwing off him. "Cmon, Darkstalker, you don't need to battle this squirt," One of the Skywing guards said. "Tsk. Your right," Darkstalker said, and his huge wings left. The Skywing guards followed. Ace jumped out of the bush when the coast was clear. "Scarblast! Are you-" Ace stopped himself. Starblast grunted and got up. His eyes focused his eyes on Ace. "So that's how you feel about me, huh?" Starblast said. "Thanks for the name," And Scarblast left. Ace fell down and cried. "No," Ace said. "No..."
06.08.2019 20:24
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The Leafwing invited Scarblast into her hideout. He explained the story and said, "Oh, yes, im Scarblast," "Haha, im Prism, and it's been about three days without your name," She said. Scarblast gave her a "Oh, has it?" look. From then on, Scarblast had a crush on Prism. They eventually got together, and they were happy. Scarblast was happy. Until. Prism and Scarblast were walking in a park. They were talking about different dragons. "We need HER," A Skywing said. It was a guard. "And him, " another said. They both grabbed Prism and Scarblast by the legs and wings and knocked them out. Prism woke up with her claws cuffed and wings cuffed. "Here, Cell 47," The Skywing guard said. The bars were made up of rich platinum. They threw her in there. She yelled in pain as they unleashed her. Scarblast saw it and he roared. "PRISM!!!" He
06.08.2019 20:24
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yelled. Scarblast. She thought. Skywing guards attacked him and put him in a cell. Prism knew why she was here. Her childhood friend betrayed her, and she was so mad that she killed him. Then she killed her abusive dad and then killed her grandmother. She was wanted for that, and she was never found. Until now. Prism closed her eyes and thought. Prism continues to think. Why am I here again? Where is Scarblast? Is anyone here? She blinked rapidly when she suddenly heard Skywing guards talking overhead. "Crazyyy Dragooooons," one guard said. "Like???," the other said. His voice sounded familiar; like a sweet dragon who is also quite insane. "Like, ya know, room C47," the first guard said. "That rare Leaf-" Prism's eyes widen as she watched from the peephole. The second guard jumped at the first one at scratched his face off. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT??? Prism thought as her mind was running and spinning and going crazy. Prism watched more closely. "No one talks about my Prism." The Skywing guard muttered. Prism lay
06.08.2019 20:24
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Prism layed down to take cover as the Skywing guard walked closer to the cell. Prism finally closed her eyes when the coast was clear. In the morning, Prism woke up to the sound of laughing. Of course. Skywing guard's laughing. Prism scooted closer to eavesdrop. “Tsk. That Leafwing thinks she's all there. LOL!" One guard said. "I know right? She is so gross!" Another said. Prism felt more mad than sad. So mad, that, she closed her eyes and thought. Scarblast. She opened her eyes and threw herself at the bars. She was putting all her strength into her weight, but she couldn't do it. She knew the bars were made up of rich platinum that couldn't break, so she had no chance of trying. But she wanted to try anyway. She hit the bars again, and her anger and her strength broke the bars open.
06.08.2019 20:24
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She stood there, as tall as a Leafwing could be, and she looked down at the guards. She then held up a talon, clenched her fists, and slashed the Skywing's heart open. The other Skywing guard got scared and ran away. But Prism wasn't gonna let him go so easily. Prism grabbed him by the tip of his wing and threw him to the ground. Prism watched his fear on his face, and then she watched him die. Prism ran as fast as she could and then flew out of the prison.
06.08.2019 20:25
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Scarblast was walking down the road. He was thirsty, and his wings were tired. He kept walking when suddenly he stares into the distance. A black figure. Scarblast grunts and walks a little faster. Now he can see clearly. It was a turquoise Seawing, with crooked horns. She had an odd pattern; it was a princess pattern! She was a lost heir! Scarblast looked up and noticed that she had a golden dusty crown stuck on one of her horns. Scarblast walked faster, and now he was running. "H-HEY!" Scarblast shouted. The Seawing heir looked up. She was crying. "What's wrong? Why are you here? Aren't you a heir?" Scarblast was asking a lot of questions, and he realized that so he trailed off. "Y-yes..." She finally answered.
06.08.2019 20:25
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Queen Coral kicked me out..." The Seawing said. "And now I'm here, just crying," "Are you alright?" Scarblast asked. "Yes, Im fine," She said. "Im Scarblast, by the way. I can take you to my place, wash you off, and get some food," Scarblast said. "Y-Sure! Sure, and I'm Akulet," She said. Scarblast rested his wing on a rock, sighed, and then Akulet and Scarblast were off. A bit later, Scarblast and Akulet made it back to his hut. Scarblast grabbed food and a bucket of water. He gave it to Akulet, who was sitting on the mat, and she ate almost all of it lol. "Better start talking," Scarblast said in a dark voice.
06.08.2019 20:25
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"I-I DID?!?!" Akulet shouted. Scarblast growled and headed to a cabinet to grab something. More food, Akulet hoped. Akulet looked over and saw a picture frame. The picture had a beautiful red-orange Skywing that was taller than Scarblast and Akulet. Her eyes were bright neon yellow with specks of dark red. Akulet grabbed the picture to look more at it. The Skywing had dark red specks all over her and they were very hard to see. Standing close but not to close to Scarblast was a Leafwing. Wait, no. Akulet didn't even know what this dragon was. She was white, with ombre green down her feet. She had rainbow patterns across her eye. She also had a gold underbelly, gold spikes, and very light green blobs across her scales. But her wings were leaves.
06.08.2019 20:25
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"She is really pretty and rare," Akulet said aloud. Scarblast turned around and stared at Akulet. "I'm actually leaving in a few days," Akulet started. " My mom said that we would move, to the Sky Kingdom," Scarblast continued to stare. It looked like he had anger, but tips of sad in his eyes. Scarblast looked down to see Akulet holding the picture and then looked up at her, looked down again, only to see a couple of teardrops on the glass frame. Akulet set the picture down, just as Scarblast set a plate down he was holding. Scarblast smiled and said, "Well then, let's make the next few days fun!" Scarblast grabbed her talon and Akulet ran after him.
06.08.2019 20:26
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The next 8 hours they had a lot of fun. They went to arcade games, roller coasters, more games, and a good hunt. It was like that for 2 days. Akulet's last day was the next day. Prism was now running in the desert, desired to find Scarblast's hut. She couldn't stand being alone without him. FINALLY! She could see his hut! After hours of running, she was there! At last, she flew towards the door of the hut and unlocked the door. "Baby!! Im home-" Prism stopped smiling. She stopped being happy. It was Scarblast talking to Akulet. "Who is this rat?" Prism asked. Her eyes were now dark green. "Uhh..." Scarblast trailed off.
06.08.2019 20:26
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The light blue scales faded from his face and he was now pale. "HEY!? IM NOT A RAT!" Akulet shouted. "WELL, YOU LOOK LIKE ONE!" Prism snapped back. "I'M A PRINCESS, MATTER OF FACT," Akulet argued. "GUYS?! CALM DOWN!" Scarblast screamed. Prism and Akulet both looked at Scarblast, who's scale colour was drained. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, CALM DOWN? YOU-" "OUT! AKULET OUT! NOW!" Scarblast said, interrupting Prism. Akulet let out a cry and left, slamming his wood door and almost breaking it. "Who is she?" Prism asked. Silence fell, and Prism's eyes were back to normal now. "Her name is...Akulet. A Seawing princess..." Scarblast said moments later, feeling guilty. Silence crossed them again, and then Scarblast kissed Prism.
06.08.2019 20:26
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"Let's go party, I'm bored," Scarblast said, laughing. Prism laughed and blushed, took his claw, and they partied all night. Scarblast and Prism were slept out by the morning. Until... They woke up from loud and I mean loud knocking. Scarblast immediately woke up and answered the door. "HEY! WE ARE LOOKING FOR AKULET, PRINCESS AKULET," A Skywing guard said and correcting himself. Alongside him was an odd Seawing; she had a bunch of pearl necklaces, she wore a tall blue crown, and her pattern was odd. "QUEEN!" Scarblast yelled. Queen Coral looked up at Scarblast. "NO TALK! Where is my daughter??" She said. "S-she left, last n-night," Scarblast stuttered. "Hmmm," Queen Coral said. "I-I last saw her walking the side of the desert r-road," Scarblast said. The Skywing guard and Queen Coral flew up and Scarblast heard of there wingbeats.
06.08.2019 20:27
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"Whoooo was that Scarblast?" Prism asked, half awake and half asleep. Scarblast explains the whole story to Prism. "Huh," Prism said, now awake. Later that night, Prism and Scarblast hunted and made a blanket out of soft bear fur. Prism was washing her talons outside while Scarblast went to bed. Prism looked up at the pale blue and pink sky, along with a mixture of light red. Suddenly, Prism heard wingbeats. The dragon was coming up pretty fast. Prism turned off the water spout and was to slow to run into the hutt. Prism turned around to see a Nightwing, with light blue wing tips, pink-ish blue-ish eyes, and a teardrop next to her eye. She was a mind reader.
06.08.2019 20:27
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"Hi, Im Midnight," Midnight said. "Oh, Hi, Midnight, You must be Darkstalkers girl-" Prism couldn't speak. She couldn't move. All she knew was that Midnight stabbed her with a tranquillizer and smiled.
06.08.2019 20:31
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damn woman u a real author in life? u could sell this stuff.
06.08.2019 20:33
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06.08.2019 20:35
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hihihi wiw thats a lot of writing
06.08.2019 20:35
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go to the limnu
06.08.2019 20:35
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hihi ikr lol
06.08.2019 20:35
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