idk n idc
2 colours challenge done!
Rick Sanchez
First ever animation
new speicies info belloww
01.06.2020 20:30
Linkpls no comment on this chain
01.06.2020 20:47
LinkSo- ppl like chonks- so now they are a species, u can find all kinds of chonks- usually based off food and sweets, such as coffee, ice cream, donuts etc. u don't have to ask to make unless its legendary,
female: fluffy tails, circle patterns (if any pattern) soft browns and pastel soft colors
male: less floof on the tail, striped patterns (if any pattern) more neon and saturated colors
common: fits the description depending on gender
rare: can have halo or devil horns (NO WINGS)
ultra rare: lots of flowers, ivy, hat accessories, and can have all the things in rare- can be mixed with ONE other species
LEGENDARY: Can have ANyTHING on them wings, halos, wing ears, butterfly wings, jackets, hair, and they can be mixed with as many species!
if you make one, i have to approve of it first! and no making otas for them, without asking! that's it- ill make a base, and some otas/adopts for them too-