Losing my mind (W.I.P)
"You spin me right round"
あにめ 忍者 animators で
The Picky Cat
im boreed
05.02.2020 07:17
Linkcomments myslef*
05.02.2020 07:18
Linkyes ik i speled that wrong i did on purpose
05.02.2020 07:18
Linkgood one
05.02.2020 07:22
LinkWhen you eat a muffin the floccinaucinihilipilification of the antidisestablishmentarianism of the atoms that are scientifically combining with antiseptic biodiversity and they are geographicaly inhaling the cal animation of the pneumonia of muffins.
05.02.2020 07:23
LinkI- what
05.02.2020 07:26
LinkAka you choke
05.02.2020 07:27
It must be hard for dragons to blow out candles on their birthdays
Delivering a liver for a liver implant would actually be relivering it after you deliver the original liver from the person.
You have probably been part of the domino effect that led to someone's death
Stormtrooper armor looks like it could be made by Apple
Cupboards = Boards for Cups
From the clock's perspective, it spins counter-clockwise
Origami is technically a type of woodworking
everyone in the world could die at the same time and no one would know
Every time you paint a room the room gets smaller
Comment removed
A high five is a slap that was parried
An axe is a chopstick
Creepers are boomers
Bubbles are negative rains
Babies that have been born crying have been crying their entire life
A bald man's forehead is his entire head
flashlights are reverse black holes
Only mammals have birthdays
one day there will be people who's ancestor was a famous gamer
everyone dies from organ failure
milk is bone juice
Each breath you take is one breath shorter of your lifespan
ink runs out of your pen until your pen runs out of ink
when a sticker is no longer sticky it is just an er
Hot sauce is edgy ketchup
There's no reason clock hands need to go clockwise
No number has the letter 'j'
Iron Man called alternatively be called Fe-male
Your thumb is like your other fingers but THICC
Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects
Just a little bit closer to death since you started reading this sentence
People with glasses on are just people without glasses on with glasses on
One day we will all eat our fifth to last hamburger
We are constantly licking ourselves
Vampires are just people shaped mosquitoes
I like keeping tiny cats in my bags! They're very adorable, I like holding them in my palms! So cute >x)
Especially.. My favorite part! When they go crunch! Very crunchy