The Kerminator rules le world
Smile :)
Happy Halloween <3
red cat
open the book
Who’s excited!
04.10.2024 22:07
04.10.2024 22:12
LinkMost of the people on here who labeled themselves as mature are the most sensitive people on this site. It’s like they say that they don’t care they don’t care but then when something is about them, they make it such a big deal and they start like having a panic attack or something, and they act like a kid about it Or if there’s any kind of drama on this site, they swear that their opinion is better than everyone else’s because they have good grammar and because they’re older 😭 or especially the people who are like 10 or 13 well 10 through 13 no 15 that are all like they want to be like mature so bad that’s why they make those post asking like how old do you think I am and then actual surprise when people think that they’re 15 16 17 and then when they get into like actual things where they have to act mature, they bring up their age and say well I don’t know better like why are you trying to act old then?
04.10.2024 22:13
LinkAnd then act surprised**
04.10.2024 22:19
LinkAnd then another one where since like this site is so dead OK I’m sorry for saying like a lot, but that’s just how I talk but anyways this site is dead and then there’s always that one person that’s always like just reposting there art all the time and then they’re like oh my God I’m so worthless so why can I be like promagma or honeypot, it’s like you’re asking too much from a dead website and then they bring up well it’s dead hours and plus there’s people who get like 50 likes and then I’m like yeah but your art isn’t as good as their art so.. then they make it like a big deal and they’re like oh my gosh are you calling my art bad I’m not calling it bad. I’m just saying it’s not as good and you shouldn’t expect like 10 likes in like a minute
04.10.2024 22:22
LinkOK then the next one is like those people who are apparently drama free but then they’re always always trying to get into some type of drama and like they’re trying to well insert themselves inside of the drama but then block everyone when they’re wrong there’s like a number of people like that on this site and it’s so annoying. It’s like your drama free, but you want to be in drama and you keep inserting yourself into this drama, just stop
04.10.2024 22:32
LinkThis one like when someone makes a callout post and they don’t have like proof at all, but they’re just saying these things and they don’t have any witnesses or like anyone who’s who was like in the story or something. I don’t know how to say it, but they’re relevant, but they don’t show any proof you can’t just believe it right away. You have to have proof to make a post because if you’re just doing that and you’re just trying to ruin someone’s life. what I do Is I actually go through and look for proof or I have witnesses , and and the victims or something if I see something bad happening on this site or out of this site but they’re on this site I will look through it 😭
04.10.2024 22:33