- create flipbook animations online!
bLiNk BlInK
29.01.2020 10:02
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So i thought "What if i made a Contest, where is asked you guys to make a logo idea. And then i would pick the idea i like the most and make a new logo matching it" Ofc i would give the winner credit for the idea. and put the winner name in my next 10 uploads, which hopefully would help the winner get more followers... Tho i would like my logo to be kind of like A circle with S T inside of it.. how it looks idc..... you dont have to make the same circle thig as my old logo.... just at least make it look superhero kind of but cool and nice... thats the only thing i will ask for to see in the logo. So i hope that soe of you guys want to.... when you made your logo animation (Yup i would like it to be an animation) then send a coment on this post where you attach you animation! Thats all... i hope to see a lot of pretty animations (Tho ik my profile aint so ig but i still hope to see some animations!) Cya another Time! :D (Btw i really like the comment better than the animation xD)
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