Ima do something that no one
29.05.2022 15:19
Linkno one has the guts to do on this website
29.05.2022 15:28
LinkI really do love this website dearly, it's helped me cope with some of my own issues. I really just wanna say thank you Flipanim, this site is one of my comforts. despite all the drama (I personally try to avoid it) something about this site feels more like home than most other sites. The community is open to most people, even theflipanimtimes was someone I could get along with. I'm an open-minded person who accepts some of the worst people on this site. Even then, this site is like a big family, it's easy to get along with a lot of the people here. I just really wanted to say thank you, I know that you're often busy with other stuff, and you probably get fed up with everyone giving you complaints when do you come back. I mean this truly though, thank-you. :]