16.11.2020 04:15
16.11.2020 04:15
Linkok so im pretty sure we all know about Big-Bully
if not he's basically an IP grabber .

16.11.2020 04:16
Linki just finished reading a post about him
and im giving my knowledge about it

16.11.2020 04:18
LinkBig-Bully often comments, with a link to an outside website in his comments.
People click on those links, and then he leaks the IPs of the people who click his links.
But!! Clicking on the links he provides is fine and harmless if you have a GOOD protection software that automatically BLOCKS and PROTECTS you from phishing links. i've clicked on his links before and been fine.
but, if you have no safety applications it's a good idea NOT to click on his links.
just clicking on his ANIMS will NOT allow him to track your IP.
clicking on the LINKS that he provides ON his anims, however, WILL allow him to track your IP, and other sensitive information. he provides IP phishing scam links using a site called grabify.link. this site allows IP phishing links to be generated to get your IP.

16.11.2020 04:19
LinkAnd, it's VERY EASY to STAY protected from him getting your IP: DON'T click on the links he sends, EVEN IF THEY DON'T LOOK SUSPICIOUS.
No matter how bad you want to, DON'T. However, if you're PLANNING on it, you SHOULDN'T without a VPN or an antivirus/protection software to keep you safe.
a VPN will MASK your IP address to make it look like it's an address that it ISN'T, so it's harder to find your ACTUAL IP. It will also help you look like you're somewhere you aren't, so it's harder to find your ACTUAL location

16.11.2020 04:21
LinkHow to know if your protection method is safe????
If it's a GOOD protection service you SHOULDN'T get a result for the page, it should say that the link CLOSED the connection. If it DOESN'T, you COULD still possibly be at risk

16.11.2020 04:23
LinkLong story short:
if you dont have a vpn or protection method against sketchy web links don't click on the links Big-Bully sends out

bro this guy is just sad
honestly, shit like this on a kids' drawing site? i feel bad for the guy if he really has nothing better to do than this