Logic ._.


03.05.2020 17:23

03.05.2020 17:24
LinkAlot of ppl vent on fa now and its getting SOOOOO annoying.
Like you can vent once in a while, but fa isnt a therapy center.
In not trying to be rude but just saying

03.05.2020 17:25
LinkSome ppl take venting too far too.
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Hey, I don't quite understand what you're saying, could you please explain? You see, from what I've gathered so far:
1) You believe people who are trying to express their negative feelings on this website (through venting) are annoying even if it's because they're sad and looking for support.
2) You claim you're not trying to be rude, but what you said is admittedly quite rude.
3) You just called me idiotic and/or stupid (I'm not quite sure who this was directed at, but you worded it to sound like me too, even when I was trying to stick up for you)
I want to say this now so you have a better understanding - people on FlipAnim usually vent because it's stuff they can't say out loud to people they know. They turn to the people of the internet for support, hoping that the people who like them and their art will give them some form of assurance.

I understand you have an opinion and I cannot change it, nor can I take away the right you have to give one, but please will you refrain from calling these people (who're probably going through a lot) 'annoying'?
Your opinion might be a competitor to our friend -heybuster-'s little statement of which started this chain.