Why im upset
06.12.2017 01:53
Link Im being cyber-bullied
06.12.2017 01:53
Linkme too
06.12.2017 01:53
Linkugh, that sucks... i feel so bad for you...
06.12.2017 01:53
LinkWho is cyberbullying you?
06.12.2017 01:53
Linkbut you wanna know something?
we can help you to get trough it
06.12.2017 01:54
LinkThanks guys
06.12.2017 01:55
LinkOur pleasure.
No. I'm just trying to get other people to acknowledge how her behaviors really are and what their true motives seem to be. She has been doing this since day one pretty much. No, I'm not even kidding. Very early in her profile she pretty much stole the concept for Just a School girl, and then tried to say that it was totally okay to do so and cried and complained for attention when she was told that plagairism is not ok. She frequently acts as if she is leaving the site when she is not, just to see how people respond to it, she frequently acts "depressed" but never really shows any real signs of true sadness. In fact, her acts don't show any signs of really being sad. She plays it up, she acts like she's sad (even when it's supposed to be self-loathing), she doesn't show any real signs of any sort of real sadness. If you're frequently sad like Meg claims to be, you would not act this way at all. Plus, she is quite young for the "teenage hormones" excuse. She tends to be very confrontational, too.