Real science :ep3 🤩
14.03.2022 20:50
14.03.2022 20:50
LinkOk Peace -Nnb
15.03.2022 14:03
Linkah- thank you i was tired so i slept anywho
15.03.2022 14:07
LinkSo as last time the three finally got threw the vent falling down onto the hard ground
key: " oof- is everyone ok?" he would look around"
gold would be climbing out of the vent shaking
gold:" y-yea i'm fine" he would shudder thinking about the beast they just escaped.
15.03.2022 14:09
Linkas porsha climbed out of the vent she would slap key
key would back up leaning on to a table rub his red cheek
key: " OW! What was that for?!"
porsha would stomp
prosha:" cause you brought us bad luck! when you said what if the creature got out it got out!"
15.03.2022 14:15
Linkthe three would take a rest after all that running in fear but they were still alert just in case anything else happened.
gold: " hey porsha.. do you think there is more people alive here. I just hope everyone is ok thats all..."
porsha wanted to say something sarcastic but did not
porsha: " im.. maybe"
15.03.2022 14:19
Linkafter a while that used a crowbar they found to open the logged door blocking them from entering the hallway
key:" this building is so big... it would take a while for us to get out of here... if we can" key would pull out a pocket knife out of his bag
key: " you three get something to protect yourself "
porsha would make a bat with nails on it and gold would get some jars of acid and tie them to a belt and puts the belt around his waist
15.03.2022 14:22
Linkas they walked down the hallway there were sounds of dripping pipes broken water and sometimes a loud unknown sound that almost shook the building
gold: " why did i ever join this place " gold would look down, key walked up to him
key: " well when you and porsha joined we didnt have creatures yet.. we were starting to work on them but we never made one "
15.03.2022 14:25
Linkkey: "wait.. why don't we make a bestiary we can share the info with other people here if there are some alive of course"
So the three walked down the hallway hoping to get out of this horrible place maybe they can get out maybe they can't but keep reading to find out.
15.03.2022 14:26
Linkstory: furyswip30 (me)
art: huge thank you to NomNomBruh for doing the art! follow them now!
16.03.2022 17:59
Linkwhen it says after a while that used a crowbar they found to open the logged door its supposed to say "they" not that