Thank you for likes!!
is that a ball of fluff
doggo owo
Another contest kitty
bored af
Just gunna rant a little bit
13.10.2022 03:48
LinkOKAY, so. I am now being trained to be a moderator for a small Furry hangout server on the Game, RecRoom. Now, this is a really fun job! Most of the staff is hilarious! Except... one. She's been talking shit ever sense i started training.
13.10.2022 03:50
LinkAnd I mean shes reported me to the owner that I'm hacking. Shes not talking to me about it. She watches me and the dude training me from afar. She talks shit about me. And the only time she spoke to me it was so ****ing rude. But I am not going to light this fire yet because the Owner herself, along with others. Is already dealing with other problems.
13.10.2022 03:52
LinkOn the other hand. When I'm doing my routine of asking for ages on this 13+ server. All this NOT STAFF run up and start trying to "help" me by yelling things like "TELL HER YOUR AGE" "AGE!" and I can barely ****ing hear the person I'm actually trying to get age from. And its super annoying that I have to literally yell at them to stop. And then I'm the bad guy.
13.10.2022 03:56
LinkI felt like I was going to strangle someone that day.