

fullmetal alchemist

Old editor vs new editor

Wave test

But That's None Of My Business

The Avelion! For a contest!
(camp camp AU)


25.05.2020 07:09
Linkyou had been going to Camp Canbell for a few weeks now and everything was either strange...or extremely strange. one of your most recent experiences was when the couslers had hired a new one named Daneil, who looked almost exactly like David (your other consiler). Daniel turned out to be a c*lt leader and tried to s*crifice you and your other campers by making everyone drink p*sioned Cool-Aid though in the end he accidentally drank a cup while having a little song battle with David. it wasnt days later that Daniel had passed due to his mistake. one day you find David in the corner laughing and muttering to himself.
(swears will have to have * in them or else i cant reply. also any words d*ath related mus have * in it or i cant reply)

25.05.2020 07:09

youd have to have * in the word kn*fe....oof...))
he just laughs and quickly putting her into a ch*kehold