my life story.(LMT)
02.03.2021 19:03
Linkoh wow
i was killed by willaim afton..
i posses lolbit now..people call me a glich. the people called me ugly becuse i was orange. sister location hated me cuz i dont kill the nightgard even if i try i cant live up to them.... one day i found a tv and went into it! soon i could shock them and glich the keypad! without me sisster locito would suffer..
so i was abused by my mom and sisster. this started with no voinice she said "just die in a fire" "ewwww ur so ugly" "ur name is now ugly" my dad said
" are you ok!" " why are crying" "hilda,i know your lieing to me" he gave me a bnnie plush someday and a few days later he was stabed. then the abuse got worse. from being punched to being cut. oneday i saved up anoff money to go to freedy fasbears pizzaria, thats when i died.