Small story


01.04.2022 16:33
01.04.2022 16:34
Link“Nightmare!” Lightning calles out slamming the door he came through shut. “Explain yourself! I don’t want your pitiful excuses this time!” Nightmare turned slowly to face the little solider. The king scowled “ explain what. I’m your king, I have no reason to explain myself to YOU.” Night’s ear twitched angrily. “ half of the kingdom has spontaneously gone up in flames! What kind of ruler let’s something like That happen!” Lightning snarled gripping the hilt of his sword tightly. Nightmare leaned on his desk grinning madly at Lightning’s question. “ listen closely light, I am the king, your are the soldier. You obey my orders, I ask the questions not you.” Nightmare growled “ I was simpler cutting my looses, that part of the kingdom was just a bunch of old and sick people, not many useful citizens.” Lightning gasped, night just killed hundreds of innocent people because they weren’t “useful”? A chill ran through his body as he stared at nightmare’s maddening stare, his pupils were narrowed to slits

01.04.2022 16:35
LinkAnd his round bear like ears were pinned so closely To his head you could barely see them. “ nightmare, what happened to used to Be such a kind leader..a leader I and many others would follow to the very end I don’t think I can go along with this anymore..” nightmares ears flicked a bit “ what are you implying..Lightning?..”

01.04.2022 16:42
Link“ you brother wouldn’t want you see you like this...if your friends and family saw you now, what do you think they do say..?” Lightning sighed “ hunter, Jackson’s, Millie, fang...cookie. What would they say..?”
Nightmare growled, his ears flicked up as his body tensed “ I didn’t give you permission to speak those names. What are you playing at Lightning. Because it’s not working.”