Oh man...
20.09.2021 04:22
LinkRight, so.
I've been gone gone awhile haven't I? Yeah, I can explain that.
So for along time now I haven't really been in a "Flipanim mood" mood. Mainly because I was wanting to play video games, aaand also very little inspiration.
Then, a few weeks ago I felt like animating something! But, as life goes, something bad happened(That I kinda created.). The main reason I haven't been on was because I haven't hydrating myself enough, or taking good care of myself in general to the point I got a kidney infection.
So... Y e a h .
20.09.2021 04:25
LinkBut I'm better now! And I have lots of things I want to create now!(Lying in bed for a week does that to you. :'D) So I hope this is a good "HEY! I'm not dead!" post. Hope you guys have been doin' well!
~OddballMarie (,o'3^o)/*.+