09.06.2024 14:46
Linkdont send people unsolicited porn even if you think its funny haha its not ok its poopybrained so dont be a weirdo guys
09.06.2024 14:46
Linkive met a handful of you FREAAAAAAAAAAAAKS
09.06.2024 14:48
Linkhave some commmon sense you [pooopy brained fartheads smh smh
09.06.2024 14:53
Linkouugh m back uhrt its almost 3am but i dont care about time or day i do what i please whenever and however since i choose that livestyle andi also choose to be kind and loving to my friends and family and sometimes even strangers spread positivity guys spread it like a spreadable disease yknow its awesome be nice to people and if you arent nice to people i will hurt you and find you so yeah
09.06.2024 15:27
Linkgoodnight guys
my back hurt really bad but overall i am doing just dandy brilliant and great and it is awesome you are doing good aswel
i am currently making a map in roblox and its very epic but i currently it needs to be fix because the houses i made are slanted an dont sit on the map properly so i made like another map from fresh and used the models i made to fix them to make them sit properly so thats cool i gues
yes and just now i just finished fixing it
here is a screenshot if u want to see https://paste.pics/R4UPQ
its pretty bland right now but im planning to add more to fill out the area and im gonna change the houses a bit so they dont look the exact same
inside the houses are rooms but they are empty and dont have any furniture yet but ill add that soon
first i will do the backyards of the houses though so the outside looks more complete
i have no clue why i am info dumping you this but i will just leave this here
iim gona slelp goodnight