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22.04.2021 15:13

22.04.2021 15:15
LinkThere are limits to OC's, one of them being strength, if an OC is way too strong, it might make the story/fandom fall apart, and you don't want that, it can also make the story/fandom, boring, there's nothing else that you could really do with them
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22.04.2021 15:18
LinkAnother one is color pallet, the wrong color combinations could hurt someone's eyes, too many colors would be confusing, you can use only 2-3 colors which is okay just don't use the wrong colors

22.04.2021 15:20
LinkTheres complexity, if you added too many things to a costume, it could make it hard to draw them, if there was barely any detail at all, that's fine, because less is more, and over-detailed OC's wouldn't last very long

22.04.2021 15:23
LinkThis might be the last one but it's the back story itself, bad backstories would make the story fall apart and good ones might make them last a while (I don't really know how to explain this)