- create flipbook animations online!
21.07.2019 01:23
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The morning light was flooding into WindClans camp as the medicine cat delivered a mother cats final kit. The medicine cat exited the den, telling the father cat that he didnt have long to visit with his new family, as he suspected they would all die before noon. It was by some StarClan sent miracle that the eldest son survived. The father cat, unable to think of anything else in his grief, named him Windkit. Windkits fur was pitch black, with a white tipped nose and tail. The spitting image of his mother. This led Windkits father to avoid him, because just the sight of him brought such vivid memories to his father's mind. Causing anger and pain, that was typically targeted at him. His father excused away his absence in his son's life with the fact that he is a senior warrior, and has a lot of responsibilities.
21.07.2019 01:24
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The absence of his father, and having no mother, made Windkit different from the other kits. Once him and his den mates were named apprentices, and were no longer living under the watchful eye of the queens, Windpaw was constantly harassed with hurtful taunts, and snide comments. This caused Windpaw to be an outcast in the Clan, disliked by all of his peers. Only when Bearkit, Bloomkit, and Lilykit were made apprentices did things start to change. Bearpaw and Windpaws mentors were littermates, so Bearpaw and Windpaw trained together constantly. He began to see her in his dreams, and he was able to recognize her from her stride. He had fallen head over heels for her, but he wasnt planning on addressing his feelings anytime soon. But, every moment he held his breath, she became closer and closer to Firepaw. Windpaws main tormentor. Windpaw knew he had to do something. He couldn't just sit there and watch the love of his life fall in love with his arch nemesis!
21.07.2019 01:24
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So, one day while Windpaw and Bearpaw were on a hunting expedition, he saw a squirrel. Squirrels are extremely rare out on the moor, and so he turned to Bearpaw and said, "I'm going to catch that squirrel over there." And her eyes widened and she nodded eagerly. And he set off on the most important mission of his life! He stalked the squirrel, but right as he was about to pounce, the wind changed direction, and his squirrel was off. Windpaw gave chase. He chased the squirrel across the moor, and straight into the small patch of woodland that belongs to WindClan. The squirrel, it was stupid, and decided to run up into a tree!! Windpaw, of course, followed it and continued hunting it. The squirrel, it was stupid then took a flying leap into the next tree. And Windpaw was intending to follow. But as he leapt, he fell through the space between branches because he had miscalculated the distance. He landed hard on the ground, and the wind was knocked out of him.
21.07.2019 01:25
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Bearpaw made sure he wasnt dead before rushing off to fetch their mentors. Once they arrived, they helped him back to camp, while his mentor scolded him harshly. Of course, the story of his totally not heroic fall spread around the camp like a wild fire. Which means, his arch nemesis, Firepaw was obviously waiting for him outside the medicine den to taunt him immediately.
21.07.2019 01:26
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While Firepaw was making fun of him, he noticed a very large stranger sulking in the opposite corner of the camp. Windpaw brushed past a very offended looking arch nemesis, to greet the stranger. "Hello. I'm Windpaw. The destroyer of evil, conquerer of squirrels, climber of trees, and savior of damsels in distress." The stranger smiled a little, and replied with "My names Crabpaw, and I am but a humble servant from RiverClan. And I have come as a piece offering, and I wish nothing more to appease you. Oh, please dear Windpaw, do take tho into thy own Clan as fellow brethren." Windpaw found this response appropriate, and decided at once that they must be destined for greatness. Firepaw, now greatly offended that he had just walked away from him, had decided he was going to follow him and make sure the new apprentice knew about Windpaw and his squirrel.
21.07.2019 01:26
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And as soon as Firepaw was getting to the heat of the story, much to Windpaws horror, Bloompaw stepped in to save the day and actually defended him. "Firepaw, I am SICK and tired of how awfully you have been treating Windpaw! I am SO disappointed in you." She turned back to Windpaw and Crabpaw and meaowed, "Come on. Let's go and train." And trotted away without looking back to see if they were following or not. Windpaw looked at Crabpaw, grinned, and together they bounded after her. These three became inseparable! Bloompaw, Crabpaw, and Windpaw became best friends and would train together, hunt for the Clan together, clean out the dens together, and go to gatherings together. And Bearpaw and Firepaw became closer and closer. Finally, it became time for Windpaw, Bloompaw, Bearpaw, Crabpaw, and Firepaw to become Warriors, and for Rabbitpaw to gain her medicine cat name. They took on the names Windfur, Bloomtail, Bearclaw, Crabcruncher, Fireant, and Rabbittail.
21.07.2019 01:27
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The next morning, after their vigil had been served, Bloomtail took Windfur outside of the camp alone. She sat him down at the lake shore, and their fur brushed together, they were so close. After what seemed like an eternity, she turned to him and softly meowed, "Windfur, I love you." She paused. "Do... do you love me?" She searched his gaze, and he searched hers. All he could think of was how much lighter her eyes were compared to Bearclaws. "Of course I love you!" He meowed, and pumped shoulders with her. "We're best friends!" She sighed. "Not like that, Windfur." She looked out across the lake, before standing and walking away. Leaving Windfur alone to ponder what Bloomtail had meant. The next day, Fireant and Bearclaw gathered the Clan to announce that they were mates, and she was expecting his kits. This news knocked the breath out of Windfur. His world had been shaken. He had loved her for forever. They had trained together, been friends. And she had picked Fireant out of all cats over him.
21.07.2019 01:27
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Windfur hunted the whole evening that night, and returned that morning for the dawn patrol. He avoided Bloomtail, Bearclaw, Crabcruncher, and everyone else. Eventually, Bloomtail asked the deputy, Larkfang, to put her and Windfur on a hunting patrol alone together. They ended up talking it out, and he became closer to Bloomtail than any other cat in the Clan, including Crabcruncher. And slowly but surely, Windfur began falling for Bloomtail instead. They began going on hunts in the night, and patrolling together, and seeing each other every chance they got. One night, Windfur had something different in mind. He took her to the edge of the lake, the same spot she had taken him many moons ago. Their fur was brushing they were so close. And after what felt like an eternity, he meowed, "I love you, Bloomtail." He paused. "Do you still love me?"
21.07.2019 01:27
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That's the end Haha Please dont comment on this chain! :)
21.07.2019 02:38
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omg type all that and don't even tell us what Bloomtail says!
21.07.2019 02:41
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πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Did you enjoy it?? Also, any criticism?
21.07.2019 02:58
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It’s magnificent
21.07.2019 02:58
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It’s magnificent
21.07.2019 03:04
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Awe tysm!!! ^^
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