

Art stuff you might need 2 kno

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H a n d s o m e
how do you find REAL love..?


12.02.2024 18:37
LinkI'm so ****ing sick of trying to wait..

im really not sure? all i know is that its truly not something that can be forced. you find it when youre not looking for it, and youll know when you have it i suppose.

you dont find it, im gonna be so ****ing real,
you do not FIND any type of love, it comes to you, in a small sprout, and then it grows and grows, love is something you cannot find love, nor does love find you, love is something that starts small, everything is love, but "true" love is something that grows, you can be "true" loves with anyone, its really up to you to want it to be true love, and for you to treat it and nourish it like true love. To me, most love is true love,
the love for a parent, thats true
the love for a partner you had but arent with anymore, that was true love, you really did love them even if it didnt work
the love for a pet is true love