I sorta lied- this is the trut
05.05.2021 02:07
05.05.2021 02:16
LinkWell- I am tired, yes-
I need to be honest about something
I am going through one of my depression phases where I will not take care of myself- while it isnt intentionally-
I will end up ****ing myself up for a while
Right now i have been forgetting to eat and my body isnt telling me to eat so i forget to eat.
I have been snacking- and only very little other than that i havent been eating
And when i am reminded the thought of eating just makes me feel sick and i have no motivation to do anything like taking a shower, eating, brushing my teeth, or cleaning mybroom or doing homework because i dont care about myself right now. The only reason i still take showers and brush my teeth and practice keeping my hygiene up is because my mom forces me to by yelling and threatening me.
I havent eaten all day other than some crackers and a pop tart
And i am just kinda exhausted from so much that has gone on in my personal life.
Dont try to get me to eat- I think i will force myself to after I wake up, s
05.05.2021 02:16
LinkSo dont worry*
05.05.2021 02:18
LinkI will try my hardest to get something in my stomach when i wake up because i love you and dont want you worrying about me on top of everythng else