~Moljac's Island~
idk wat to call dis anymore XD
Knock knock -doodle
King of the Woods
I fell in love with am emo gir
28.03.2022 19:03
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"And pictures too?"
He glared at him. "The next goal is to kill you. And It wont be that hard would it?" He huffed and crossed his legs, looking back at the floor again. " Why the hell are you so butt hurt about not getting what you want? You should probably worry about getting your own b1tches instead of chasing the ones that dont want you."
"Yeah! Lots of pictures and videos he'll feel like he knew her well."
"Im not butt hurt about shit, Clarabelle, im just pissed he married some no dick pussy, going around thinking he knows how to deal with a psychotic cannibal murder. The way he acts with you? Is. A fcuking joke, you really think thats how he feels around you? I bet its frustrating for him to NOT rip your throat out...you also just called him a b/tch."
" For one, keep your nose out of my beez wax! No one is suppose to know I dont have a d1ck, and certainly not YOU. Second, I know I dont know how to deal with him fully, but I'm trying! And it's hard for me to keep trying everyday to keep him happy, to deal with my kid- soon to be kidS, go to work everyday, FEED my family, having to deal with putting my dog down because she has cancer! But I cant do that with you getting in my way all the time! And THIRD, I didnt call him a b1tch! The only b1tch here would be YOU."
" If it was about keeping him stable you wouldn't be trying to kill him. If it was about keeping him stable, you wouldn't have done the things you did. You sure aren't helping with KeEpInG hIm StAbLe, so how about you fvck off for once?"
She looked back at his stomach and hugged it. "Sorry you wont be able to pet her Tobi..."
"Exactly. He's my problem. SINCE he's my problem now, you should start minding your own business. Stop coming over to my house, stop trying to- you know what? Dont EVEN come near him again because he's not your problem anymore. Try to interfere with "My PrObLeM" again and I'll do the same thing to you that I did to Jake." He got up and tucked the bottom side of the blanket under the mattress, that way Vince wouldn't be able to pull it up over his arms.
She giggled and poked his tummy a bit. "He moved!"
Oo thats okay. Sounds cool, is she dying it or making it pretty? Idk lol))
"Yes you did, i told you that..remember when i stabbed myself? I told you then. And i think that fight you had with Vine..the one that sent you to the hospital?" He shrugged then looked at him with a smile and held out his arms.
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An hour or two later a doctor rushed out with a little whining bundle and another stepped out greeting Jayden and Pine. "Hello, congratulations its a boy. But he was born kinda early and is small so we're taking him to a room to make sure hes alright then you can see him."
Pine getting in all kinds of trouble.))
Bon stared at Vince and he stared back. The rabbit grabbed a knife and walked up to him. Then cut down from his chest to his hips, spilling his guts. Vince screamed and thrashed. Bon cut his rooes off and threw him to the floor, sorta thankfull he put a tarp down.
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okay- well my mom has forgotten about it. I dont want to trigger anything that will make her remember it so I'm laying low and not going to post anything for a long... pretty long time. Lol good thing she forgot and I didnt write some goodbye note saying something I shouldn't have💀))
He took Tobi in his arms and patted his back.
Because my sister found art (which wasnt mine, it was drawn by my friend who used to have the account). The art was 18+ and she told my mom about it. I was deleting all the art that she made before this altercation and my mom asked, "Wheres the art?" I say, "I already deleted all the inappropriate art that wasnt mine." And then she yells at me saying "I didnt ask you!". The b1tch was looking directly at me when she asked. On top of that, the art style was COMPLETELY different!! So then she changed the pass.))
She nodded. "I guess I'm the first.. But it's okay. I still have time to be with you guys." She gave him a hug with a little squeeze.
EXACTLY. This isnt even the first time she's done it! I've have a Chubby2cub and a Chubby3cub account when I was younger. She changed my passwords to them because of the inappropriate things she saw on the site. Art that was not mine. But it wasnt on my account either. I'm so pissed off at her and my sister, and yet my mom wonders why I never tell her sh1t.))
Pine ran over and joined the hug.
Yes. I've also told her that thats is the only reason why I'm on this website: IS TO DRAW AND GET BETTER AT IT! But NOOOOOOO It's all about the "YoUr NoT sUpPoSe To Be On It AnYwAyS!" It took all of my strength to not go back downstairs and just murder them both.))
Tyler made Tobi go around the room like a little plane. "neeerrrrr vrwoorrrmmmm! Aaaaah, sargent the baby is making an emergency landing on the fluff pillow island!"
He quickly grabbed the plant and went to give it to her. "Here you go ma'am."
She looked at him and huffed. " THANK you." She looked him over and squinted her eyes, mumbling something about his weight under his breath. Then she proceeded to leave the shop.
Jayden came out and looked at them. Mirabel followed with a smile. "Hi, how are you today?"
"Doing good ma'am." He nodded towards her. "Uh... We would like to speak to you outside real quick."
"Oh? Miha, you get the other orders ready until I get back." She pointed at Jayden and then went out with the officers.
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🙄 Your not suppose to take a nap in the morning. Your suppose to just continue SLEEPING! tsk tsk tsk.))
When he opened it, it was a kid. "Hi. I am a member of the worldly world girl scout companion society club. We- I have come today to ask... to ask..." She turned her head behind her where another kid was mouthing what to say.
"To ask if you are willing... Willingly... Willingly...allowing t-to tell me if you have any kids under the age of 13 to join our club." She stared at them with her wide eyes and let out a 'ssss'
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lmao tucking the blanket under the mattress is the only evil and uncomftorble thing i could think of
So SOMEONE decides they want to clog the toilet with toilet paper when he get home. Now mine you, I went straight to my room and so when my sister pointed out that the toilet was clogged, my mom made all of us go to the bathroom to unclog it. Well a lot of waiting later and my brother steps up to do it. So you know what my mom does? She goes: “that’s fine, I guess the girls won’t be getting their phones anytime soon.” like- tf? We can’t all unclog it! And it pisses me off because she knows we didn’t clog it, but expects us to do the dirty work! And when someone else does it, WE get a punishment??
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