First Person + Nicci ReDesign




Sleeping Joshua (tween)

Billie Eilish (redraw)

Losing my Mind《 MEME 》
would i be a bad son?


19.03.2022 14:50
Linkshes toxic af but i feel like im gonna betray her, if she cries im gonna feel bad.

My mother takes her anger out on us when she has a bad day, she never cleans up after herself and yells at us for being messy, shes called us 'pathetic' and 'good for nothing'
she doesn't take care for her toddler son so its mostly me or dad taking care of him. my mother makes me get her food and such, cook for her clean for her, do laundry, she seems to think i owe her when i in fact do not. her legs work perfectly fine, i don't understand.
shes manipulative and narcissistic.

no dude you aren’t bad at all. actually, you are very kind for even thinking of her.
But you’ll be miserable if you keep putting up with this, she’s an adult and should start acting like one.

Then only think of their future when telling your grandparents, not your mother. It seems she’s holding you back from doing the right thing. She may have taken you in in the past but this is still no way for her to act, there’s a limit to how much someone can put up with and there’s no telling how much your siblings can take if she does the same to them.
You’d really be saving them some trouble by telling someone.