
what's happen?


a soul


i spent a week drawing windows

Zara dodges a fire blast
The Ghost Slide Project Finish


14.05.2020 02:05
LinkI didn't wanna draw Sophia with a mouth srry

And for u IHATEYOU69:
I hate you with the intensity of a thousand thousand blazing suns. The entirety of human language cannot begin to express my disdain for you, you sniveling worm, your grunting ape, you whining dog. You've insulted, demeaned, and outright mocked forces beyond your comprehension, and an end shall soon be upon you. As we speak, the legions of Hades come against you, there will be no mercy, no recompense, and no respite, for your transgressions are beyond forgiveness, and you will answer for them. Eternal torment and woe be upon you, lowliest of fools, weakest of men, dirtiest of filth, for oblivion's embrace is beyond you.
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