Magmanus & Molupus
08.01.2024 20:53
08.01.2024 21:03
LinkSpecies: Magmanus
The Magmanus' blood is made of lava. It uses this for energy and self defense. A single Magmanus can get up to 3,600°F. Magmanus are usually found traveling in packs. They nest in and around volcanoes and wait for them to erupt. When the volcano erupts, all Magmanus nesting there gather around the volcano in honor of lost love ones and friends. After the ceremony has ended, they migrate to a new volcano and the process repeats. When it feels threatened, the small volcano like structure on its head spews molten lava at any predators or enemies surrounding it, burning them to a crisp. While most people address these creatures as "Magmanus", that is actually the name for the males. The females go by Molupus. The color of the lava each Magmanus carries can vary. While orange is the common color for Magmanus lava, it can also come in blue and, more rarely, purple. When in the dark, Magmanus use their lava to their benefit and glow in the dark to find their way around.