Musa transforming


Losing my mind *-//MEME\\-*


Some More Stickman Stuff

The Chase

Dog Sit
Let me type


05.08.2020 08:16
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05.08.2020 08:18
LinkI'm really sorry,but turns out I will not be taking a break,I will be leaving. I am currently on my way to the airport in a car to get on my flight with my dad,and by the time I come back the device I use will be returned (it's not mine,I borrowed it). I really don't want to leave but I have to and yeah...

05.08.2020 08:20
LinkIf anyone has any fanart they are meant to have gotten I'm sorry but I won't be able to do it. The contest I am doing has been cancelled,sorry if you worked hard on it. Any prizes,raffles,adopts or anything like that are cancelled.

05.08.2020 08:24
Link@lollipoprainbow- Thanks for being a good friend,through all our arguments you are still an amazing person.
@doodlebob- you have been here since day 1 on my first account and stuck by me throughout my days on flipanim,so thank you for that.
@-Kitcath-- Thanks for supporting me through everything.
And to anyone else who was always there,I love you!

05.08.2020 08:25
LinkIf you wanna collab with me to say goodbye the file is here ->

05.08.2020 08:27
LinkI love ya'll so so so so so so so much! Please dont be sad I'm gone! (you should be happy i,m gone lol)

05.08.2020 08:28
LinkHowever,even though I'm leaving please don't unfollow,because I do have a very glitchy ipad which I can use,however I cant draw on it I can only comment and stuff.

05.08.2020 08:28
LinkI also MIGHT be getting a device at christmas,but I dont know.

05.08.2020 08:31
LinkThank you to everyone. The haters,the followers,the likers. I love you all so much,thank you for an amazing group of people supporting me. I cant say how much I appreciatte you guys. Please,do not be sad that I'm leaving,I want you to know I cherished you so much. I will be extremly sad without you guys,but this is something I have to do. At every hello,there is a bitter goodbye. Thank you for being there for me,I appreciate that a lot.
Dear people who are meant to be getting fanart or a drawing: Im really sorry,but I doubt I will have time to do this,as I have work today for school.
Dear Love2DrawManga: you will always hold a special place in my heart,thank you. Could you do me a favour? There is a user called doodiebob,and I would like you to attach this on one of their latest posts.
Dear haters: thank you,thank you for pushing me to be better. I love you too.

05.08.2020 08:31
LinkLast night,I had a very scary dream. I dreamt my best friend died when walking on a bridge,and the bridge collapsed. it felt so real,and I am video calling the same friend today. I dont know why I put this in here.
My life saying:
Live happy,if you die sad,you will never get a chance to be happy.
My life quote:
Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack

05.08.2020 08:32
LinkIf someone is being rude/mean,refer to my savage comebacks.(attached).

05.08.2020 08:33
LinkThank you so much again. I love you all so so so so so so SO much! I cant bear to leave,but its life. Again,please dont be sad,I cherished you so much and forever will. I hope to see you again at Christmas.

05.08.2020 08:33
LinkI love you. I always will.
Stay strong guys,Artsyeditz.

05.08.2020 08:33
LinkNo that that's out of the way,(yes you thought I was done),
Thank you to all my followers!
Thank you to everyone that has liked one of posts!
Special thanks to:

05.08.2020 08:34
LinkIf any boys can solve this then you are a genius UwU

05.08.2020 08:41
LinkJust because I'm leaving, DO NOT steal my oc's! If anyone wants to guard my oc folder then here it is,please dont let anyone steal from it! ->
And here are my account rules:
Comment removed

05.08.2020 08:46
LinkGoodbye everyone,you will forever hold a place in my heart.
♥️ Artsyeditz ♥️
♥️ Wednesday August 5th 2020 ♥️
♥️09:46 am♥️