22.06.2022 17:18
22.06.2022 17:18
22.06.2022 17:19
LinkI’m going to try to best explain this apology and try to make it make sense, sorry if I don’t make any sense as I’m trying to apologize and aren’t best with explaining my thoughts.
As most of you know, the events that happened yesterday was well, pretty shitty what happened. It was meant to be taken as a joke, but that joke wasn’t the best regarding what would be the consequences to what is happening now. (See attached anim for a crappy half assed explanation of what happened I might be explaining what happened in better detail)
I wasn’t aware it would be as bad as it were and I’ve deleted my anim on the spreading of hate to Kai. Now, I wasn’t the only one that was spreading the misinformation of Kai being a zoophile but I’d like to apologize on behalf of the others that were also in these shenanigans. I know I was being hypocritical also agreeing that Kai was a zoophile for I, also draw nsfw with anthro creatures.
Now, as much as I’d hate to do this, I apologize to Kai, for spreading hate to them and ju-
22.06.2022 17:19
Linkst being god awful towards them last night for no reason.
I’ve deleted my post ‘like if you hate kai’ not because I wanted to get rid of the evidence, but to stop the hate of Kai. Originally I wasn’t going to delete it for evidence against myself but in the end I decided to delete it for stopping the hate.
Again, I am very sorry for everything that has happened and hope I and others can be forgiven of what has been said and happened last night. It’s alright if you don’t accept it, it’s understandable but yeah.
22.06.2022 17:22
LinkI tried to apologize the best to my ability, I’m sorry if this seems half assed I’m not the best at writing or explaining 💀
22.06.2022 17:29
LinkI don’t know I feel like I’m at fault for this happening
But here is the joke that was just not it