- create flipbook animations online!
06.01.2022 20:45
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So today, we played gatorball again. And for those of you who don’t know what gatorball is, it’s like volleyball but you catch the ball and if you miss you’re out. You play till an entire team has been eliminated. So yeah I’ve been playing for 2 years, i gots experience, and we have a kid named Gryphon (Who I hate but will put up with at times. He and I got a win for our team, it’s funny how I work best with people I hate. Maybe I should do a collab with someone on Flipanim who I don't like. But enough about me and more about what happened.) We were playing and my team was about to win but then OUR PE TEACHER JOINED THEIR TEAM AND SAVED THEM. And our team was quickly brought to one person left, Kelty, she tried her best and missed one of the balls. (we play with two because our teacher hates us and we love challenges) and I rushed forward and caught the ball. (Let me explain something I missed, to get back in, a person who’s in has to hit it back and if you catch it you’re in.
06.01.2022 20:46
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And if it’s thrown far enough you can catch it but you must stay behind the white line, I didn’t. In the moment I was surprised that I’d caught it, I was normally overlooked, people didn’t expect much from me, and I didn’t either, I was good at the camp but I never got credit for getting wins or catching the ball. And to my surprise everyone on my team was cheering me on, I was finally being seen, me and Kelty did our best and would throw and catch the balls coming towards us, we got Kingston in and the tide was turning. The people who were out were screaming at our PE teacher to help us but he laughed and didn’t move a muscle. I heard some people saying they could get him fired for picking favorites, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought. (i mean we did it to our mean music teacher. I even came up with a plan to get him fired. >:3) I got out again and Gryphon got in, and the game went on until it became the longest game we’d ever played. Oh and I killed my shoulder getting out again. Same one too.
06.01.2022 20:46
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Then Kelty got out and it was just Gryphon, and on the other team, it was just Ameen. We won. Of course if I hadn’t caught the ball, we never would have won and Kelty would have been out. But no one acknowledged that, nope! It was all “Good job Kelty!” “Wow Kelty, you were amazing!” “Oh my gosh Kelty How did we win that?” It’s all because I’m not a popular kid, I don’t fit in, I’m not in a big group of friends, I’m not special or cool or even funny. I’m not noticed. And this is proof.
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