sonic boom out of context 1
16.08.2021 23:46
Linksonic:ugh not another speeding ticket i'll fight it in court but i dont think they're gonna accept gotta go fast as a medical condition
tails n knuckles:*stares at sonic*
16.08.2021 23:48
Linkamy rose:meteors are shooting stars! we should'nt be running we should be making wish's!*le GaSp*i wish for a pony!
sonic:and i wish you'd take cover...
amy rose:*mad noises*how come your wish came true!
16.08.2021 23:49
Linktails:HeY! tHiS wAlL tAsTeS lIkE dIrT!!!!
tails and tails clones:*licks the wall*
16.08.2021 23:53
Linksticks:well you know im slammed this week! see? tomorrow uh rummage the garabage wednesday rummage the garabge get tetanus shot friday rummage the garabage im book solid!
16.08.2021 23:54
Linktails:is this a towel?
eggman:what am i supposed to cover with that? are you making fun of me!?
16.08.2021 23:57
Linksonic:you wanted to put me in the beginner's class with the little kids i cant be swimming around with a bunch of 5-year-olds they can be so cruel when they sense weakness
knuckles:that's why on the first day you have to beat up the biggest one in the yard
amy rose:knuckles thats prison
knuckles:only if you let it be