what if we met irl
13.01.2018 20:30
LinkI'd fangirl :)
13.01.2018 20:31
Linkomg you didn't comment below i hAT UUUUUUU1!1!!!
id probably hug u
13.01.2018 22:50
say "hello stranger you look like how i imagined someone so i'm going to assume that you are that person cuz i can!" :D
I would scream and hug you and give you a million compliments on your art because you are legit amazing
i would say 'hello' because i know you in real life already. but i would probably still hug you :3 because hugs are nice
Well, my email is christhetimelordoffandoms@gmail.com
You could send me a picture of yourself
Also, I was wearing a black zip-up jacket with a 9 3/4 on my left (the inside of the hood is red, if that helps), and a white shirt with a small silvery pin just below the collarbone
I was sitting with a man with a yellow coat, long hair, brown-ish hat, and a bright red goatee. And also a younger boy, bright red hair, with a black 9 3/4 hoodie
All wearing jeans. Mine and my brother’s jeans were darker colored, my dad’s were lighter, almost denim
All of the reds described, that were not on clothes, are natural hair coloring. Like, born with it
Also, ponytail and black hoodie is very non-descript
^^ that’s descript
I'd explode, then respawn, then id just be like, y@y I no longer have to sit in a corner of darkness and monsters and getting punched in the back because now I has a fr13nd! Maybeh :'D