12.01.2020 04:47
LinkOkay, one time me and my brother are playing at a park, a p u b l i c n e i g h b o r h o o d p a r k, a mom and her children walk up to me trying to jump off the slide onto the other end, and doing other things, THIS *****- she said “stop doing that, you’re a bad role model for my kids!” We literally weren’t doing much, we were just climbing on the equipment, they way it’s supposed to be used, to be played on... I didn’t see her problem, except the climbing thing, so me and my brother went down to the pathway near our creek, when we came back we skipped rocks, turns out this kid threw a tantrum because he wanted to do it too, this mom tried demanding us to teach him, yes because THAT isn’t suspicious at all! Bruh! We said no, but we did go down till the end of the path and skipped rocks in the creek, YOU can do it with him. She got mad, and said I was a lazy *****, mind you this is a grown woman, my brother covered my ears and walked me home