i got a question
16.04.2021 21:55
LinkWhat's ur question?
16.04.2021 21:57
LinkYes that's what it means
16.04.2021 22:04
Linkthankies B) :)
I guess like if you are female/male/non-binary
(Or if you look like a male or female) you wear what a different sex wears, which makes you seem more feminine or masculine
Masculinity is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles associated with men and boys. Although masculinity is socially constructed, research indicates that some behaviors considered masculine are biologically influenced. To what extent masculinity is biologically or socially influenced is subject to debate (wiki)
Femininity is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with women and girls. Although femininity is socially constructed, research indicates that some behaviors considered feminine are biologically influenced. To what extent femininity is biologically or socially influenced is subject to debate. (wiki) and or to say both genders are equal. my understanding at least