Alphabet Animation!!
zoom in, zoom out
Yippee creature
Flipanim Teaser Trailer BOIIII
*Makes it profile picture*
my dude
27.10.2024 08:39
LinkJust grinding guiding lands and working for those alatreon arms so I have an ok set for fatalis
27.10.2024 08:40
Linkwhich my only issue is really escaton judgement and yknow. timing the jerky
27.10.2024 08:41
Linkand I need to get my mr up high enough so I can grind the rest of my materials for health augment -_-
27.10.2024 08:42
LinkNo problem breaking the horns or dealing enough elemental damage its just IM BAS!
MONSTER HUNTER!!!! What weapon type do you main?? I always love seeing what people run since there's such variety