Kha'Zix :P

.= Tweenzy Breezy =.


anyone remember this girl


how the tools work

Cute Valentines Potato :3
Ideas for fa


01.07.2020 22:43
Link1. The ability to press “search by” while searching for anims right now it always shows newest and kinda relavent even though it’s hard to find what your looking for if it’s not super specific and you could do search by popularity, relevance, newest, ect
2. “Sort by” on your acc page for your anims you could do sort by popular to see your most popular anim, sort by oldest to see oldest, ect
3. Not showing comments on “newest comments” if the comment was on 18+ so young people could view comments if they find it interesting and want to know what it is without ever having to see 18+ stuff
I’ll add on probably

01.07.2020 22:43
LinkOh yeah 4. To be able to edit comments