i did something really brave


07.03.2019 16:06
Linkw h a t w a s i t f r e n

07.03.2019 16:09
Linkso my school gave us a website that lets us talk about if we hear our friends being sucidal or someone wants to hurt someone. I used it because all my friends are basically super depressed and super sad. They make suicidal comments very often but i was never able to talk to anyone so i used it. I was always to afraid and now if my friends find out what i've done they might be angery at me..

so my school gave us a website that lets us talk about if we hear our friends being sucidal or someone wants to hurt someone. I used it because all my friends are basically super depressed and super sad. They make suicidal comments very often but i was never able to talk to anyone so i used it. I was always to afraid and now if my friends find out what i've done they might be angery at me..

i also went through depression too... and i had suicidal thoughts too... i hope they get better and stop being so depressed, bc even tho in depression people might think killing themselves might be the solution it is not and it'll get things worse idk if your friend might get mad at you or angry but generally some talk therapy might be useful, at least it worked for me
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