

my friend told me to do it


toddler me does an offie

Venerum Wazowski

Elongated Neck Surgery
okay so lmt


21.07.2021 21:00
Link1. remember the seizure facebook thing drama?? yea the facebook register is VERY BROKEN, if you sign up with it and logout you cant log back in
2. drama, drama literally everywhere and yes im sorry, i caused so much drama
3. Flipanim just,, doesnt,, care about it??? he features things and thats it. i understand if he doesnt have time but fr
4. replying on other people can make people steal cookies, thats bad btw thats why i @ people when i want to reply to them
5. THERE ARE NO MODS, FR, NO MODS = NO GOOD COMMUNITY, everything that has a comment feature, everything that lets you post and is without mods HAS TO HAVE DRAMA.
6. so many trolls going so far, crossing the line. i wont explain. trolls r supposed to be funny, and now they're not.

21.07.2021 21:09
Linkthe thing we can do tho, please report this anim and comment when you reported it so mr flipanim can see it
also, we need to wait so he will come back