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Chapter One: A Full Moon Again
22.02.2023 03:33
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Tonight was the full moon. It was also the day two wolves would be born. The mother of the wolves was nervous. Her name was Twilight, and she was part of the Night Howlers group, working to stop all evil so there would be peace in all territories wolves inhabited. She knew her mate would be mad at her for being in the group, but that wouldn’t stop her. Twilight named her two little pups after space. Blue and Eclipse. Blue had blackish-blue fur, including a very light blue under-belly and under paws. She had pure white on the tip of her ears, following along bright royal blue eyes that gleamed at the night. Her light blue star marking was on her forehead. She looked like her mother more than her father. Eclipse looked like his father. He was a blackish-blue shade with white underparts and eyes the color of the gleaming sun. He also had an orange crescent moon-shaped marking on his forehead. His legs and snout were white as well.
22.02.2023 03:34
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The moon prior to the date of the twins’ birth, Dark Night, the pups’ father, was play-fighting with Eclipse. But he ignored Blue, believing she was weak. Blue was similar to Twilight, and Eclipse was more like Dark. Blue couldn’t play with her father, so she decided to play with her mother. Blue padded over to her mother, as Twilight smiled at Blue. Blue pawed, which meant she wanted to play. Twilight smiled again. “I’m sorry, Blue, but I’ve got to go… hunt,” Twilight said. She had a sign of hesitation in her eyes almost as if hiding something. “Go play with your father or Eclipse.” Blue padded over to Eclipse and scratched him lightly. Eclipse turned and growled at Blue. Blue hesitated for a second with sadness in her eyes, then she whimpered sadly and swiftly rushed away to her den.
22.02.2023 03:34
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Eclipse smiled at his father. “Good! Maybe that growl could’ve been louder,” said Dark Night, his eyes glimmering in approval of his son. “Also, older wolves growl with their fangs, like this.” Dark showed him how; he curled his lip, revealing sharp, glittering white points. He let out a loud, rumbling growl. “I know you don’t have your fangs yet, but you’ll have them soon enough,” said Eclipse’s father after a short pause. The little Eclipse nodded and the two kept practicing their fighting moves. The small Blue curiously wondered what the two were doing, so she peeked outside her den and saw them practicing. She wondered if she could get to defeat Eclipse and gain his approval, along with Dark Night’s. Blue knew her mother could teach her, but Blue didn’t want to hurt anyone. She just watched until her mother came back.
22.02.2023 03:35
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About an hour later, Twilight came back from ‘Hunting’; she wasn’t lying yet she was still hiding something. “Hello Eclipse, Blue, and Dark Night,” Twilight said. “I have food for you guys!” She dropped a squirrel and a wild boar. “I and Blue will share this squirrel. I’m not starving, so Dark and Eclipse, you can share the boar.” The boar was around 2 feet tall. Dark and Eclipse could easily finish it—though they were twins, Eclipse was larger and could eat much more than his sister. Twilight went to sit down with Blue. They started eating the squirrel.
22.02.2023 03:34
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22.02.2023 04:02
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