I don’t care what you tell m


20.04.2018 15:51
LinkVent to me. Tell me about your day.

20.04.2018 15:52
LinkI really don’t care, I just want to relate to someone.

i hate myself and I hate myself for hating my self and im stuck in a never ending cycle of hating my self and i have social anxiety it feels like evryones watching me and judging me I feel sinister eyes crawling on my back I isolate myself but it only makes me feel worse but then when I try to socialize I feel so stupid and I hate myslef even more so yeah Im just st u c k so I look at memes and humor to temporarily cure my inner turmoil yeah hhhng

Most people don't care about you. Like, Joe Shmoe off the street isn't looking at you.
Proof: do you look at people on the street and just judge them?
Most people endeavour to see the good in people. If you try and **** up, most people only care that you tried in the first place.
My advice is to pretend you're confident. Walk around like you belong and people will believe you do. Hell, you might start to believe it too.
Talk to people more. Just simple stuff, like saying "thanks" or "sorry", then move it up to "excuse me" or "hold the door". Practice with shop cashiers. They deal with the wierdest people, cuz every freak still needs to eat. They don't care that much about how you act, they're probably glad you aren't pulling a glock.
Also, maybe list all your strengths, or all the things you can do.
Like, on a piece of paper. Keep going, even if you have to write some things that seem basic. You can do shit, you just have to realise.