positive rant


23.09.2023 11:25
Linksometimes I don't realize how much better things have truly gotten for me. I think because it's been so gradual.
Like in 2021 I had zero classes with my friends, and they barely talked to me. I felt AMAZING if my friends sat by me without talking and then SHATTERED when they didn't. Still don't know to this day why my friend sat by me but was scared to say anything.
But now I get to see that friend every day and I get to talk and laugh with him. (He still seems scared sometimes so I guess some things never change) but this is the most I've talked to him in years.

23.09.2023 11:27
Linkproblem is I'm so used to talking to my friends often now that it doesn't make me as painstakingly excited as I was in 2021. It just seems normal. And that leaves me wanting more.
And so despite the fact that things have gotten better, I still feel like shit a lot. It's really stupid. I still feel unappreciated and I'm not really sure how to change that

02.12.2023 02:17
Linkso real. Things are even better now :D aaaaaaaa I have a good day almost every day. There's still bad ones sometimes but that is life