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User KobyDaKoolDog
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Registered: 06.03.2021
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29.05.2024 17:50
I also refuse to believe Gomez and Morticia would make Wednesday or Pugsley go to public school for more than a day. In the sitcom (if i remember correctly) there was a whole episode where Gomez was told “actually you kinda do have to send your kids to school” and as soon as Wednesday gets home she’s crying because the knight killed the dragon. And from then on it's implied that they never make either of them go to school again. In the musical, Wednesday mentions being homeschooled. (“No, but see the lover always comes back. Ulysses. Tristan. Romeo.” “Look, I’m homeschooled, what’s your point?”) ON THE TOPIC OF GOMEZ I HATED Gomez in this show so much. Gomez does not work as a character if he is not charismatic. So why the **** did they cast the least charismatic man I have ever seen in my life. In every other incarnation its endearing when he calls Wednesday stuff like “little viper” but it just feels so creepy in this show??
29.05.2024 17:49
Wednesday would only investigate murders as a side hobby for when she's bored or because of an ulterior motive. ALso if Gomez was accused of murder it would not be hush hush around the Addams house are you kidding me?? He would be bragging about it to Morticia and his kids all the time. And if Wednesday did find out her father was accused of murder from someone other than him, she would be more interested than angry. But I doubt Gomez would hide it from her in the first place??
29.05.2024 17:49
-The problem is her view on murder and violence makes no sense. If we’re going with the idea that Wednesday is fine with violence as long as there is a REASON (like her punishing the boys bullying Pugsley), it still doesn’t make sense. She gets upset when finding out her father was accused of murder but he had a reason. When Tyler mentions the prank he did on Xavier, Wednesday is completely fine with it but Tyler did not have a reason (besides that Xavier was physic, but that wouldn’t be something she would agree with considering she also is). The family likes torture, it their weird way of bonding, but when you widen the pool of who Wednesday interacts with suddenly the morals get muddy. The show cannot figure out what its tone is.
29.05.2024 17:48
The original gimmick of the Addams Family is that they do not know they are not normal. I think this mentality started to shift in the 90’s movies, after that point the Addams’ seemed to be more self aware of their strangeness. I don’t hate this change, I think it was in some ways necessary for the future of the franchise. The lack of awareness fits PERFECTLY with the original comics and the sitcom, but as you start to tell more complex stories and time passes where more things are generally accepted, it’s harder to keep up that same act with the same effective humor. The problem with a murder mystery show with the Addams Family as source material is it causes a complete shift in tone. Suddenly no character's thoughts on death make sense. Wednesday feels absolutely no remorse for almost murdering a man (in fact, she mentions she doesn’t want people to know she didn’t finish the job), but cares enough to investigate a series of murders? Wednesday throwing piranhas in a public pool is not my problem-
29.05.2024 17:48
Surface level stuff first! The premise already was concerning to me when I heard about it. You’re taking ONE of the kids from the Addams family and putting them in show with little presence of the other members of the family, then sticking them into a love triangle?? Ermmm are we talking about the same source material CGI was funny as hell SORRYYY but literally WHAT was Enid’s transformation i was dying laughing. I do like the design of the Hyde on its own but every shot of Tyler turning into it is laughable as well and completely takes you out of the story I liked Enid ig though she sadly fell victim to the “adults trying to write hip and cool teenagers” trope. Same thing happened with Ajax. She was still interesting but could they seriously not afford better writers to write good dialogue for her ?? (mostly talking about the scene where they introduced Ajax since it was the most obvious but it carries on in other scenes too and just makes it hard to watch)
Animations (592)
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