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User uwu-fiyer
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Registered: 21.08.2019
Latest comments
21.08.2019 15:44
whats a vent
21.08.2019 15:41
I wike youw awt axo! OwO
21.08.2019 15:40
you wook chinese no offense
21.08.2019 15:37
To be, ow not to be: that is the question: whethew 'tis nobwew in the mwind to suffew the swings and awwows of outwageous fowtune, ow to take awms against a sea of twoubwes, and by opposing end them?? to die: to sweep; no mwowe; and by a sweep to say we end the heawt-ache and the thousand natuwaw shocks that fwesh is heiw to, 'tis a consummation devoutwy to be wish'd. To die, to sweep; to sweep: pewchance to dweam: ay, thewe's the wub; fow in that sweep of death what dweams mway come when we have shuffwed off this mwowtaw coiw, mwust give us pause: thewe's the wespect that mwakes cawamity of so wong wife; fow who wouwd beaw the whips and scowns of time, the oppwessow's wwong, the pwoud mwan's contumewy, the pangs of despised wove, the waw's deway, the insowence of office and the spuwns that patient mwewit of the unwowthy takes, when he himsewf mwight his quietus mwake with a bawe bodkin?? who wouwd fawdews beaw, to gwunt and sweat undew a weawy wife, but that the dwead of something aftew death, the undiscovew
21.08.2019 15:35
Woop the bwaid to the weft and then ovew. The chaiw wooked stwong but had no bottom.
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