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User theshrekmusical
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Registered: 19.05.2020
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12.10.2021 03:11
5. all their "alters" are ocs. self explanatory.
12.10.2021 03:11
4. endogenic Noyou idiot. The disorder. Is from. trauma. Severe, repetitive trauma. Which leaves the survivor in a horrible situation, where the only way theyd be able to live would be to make them not know the trauma. Bro. JUST ROLEPLAY AS OCS. its cringy but its not saying "god, i wish i had the effects of trauma, with no trauma!"
12.10.2021 03:08
3. 3. Uh they use the disorder they dont even have to get away with stuff liek shaving "onooo i didnt say that slur! My edgy alter chase is so mean he said it not me!"
12.10.2021 03:07
2. they know their 'alters' i got hyperfocused on this stuff out of spite. so uh, apparently, big surprise. You DONT know you alters. Or, most of them. The whole poiint of the disorder is to hide trauma from the 'host'. If you know all the alters. Whats the point of having the disorder if its... not doing the thing its supposed to?
12.10.2021 03:04
1. they arent diagnosed self diagnosis is ok in some cases if you think you have a common mental disorder, and do not share it much, youre fine. but a lot of these people dont even try. They claim to be self diagnosing one of t he rarest disorders. If youre self diagnosing depression, go ahead kid, but yknow, maybe ssying you have the disorder that some doctors debated was real isnt that greatly
Animations (5)
how to know that you dont have
2 years ago
64 mcnuggets mukbang
2 years ago
2 years ago
me vs you
2 years ago
i have the best username
2 years ago